War may be a natural expression of biological instincts and drives toward aggression in the human species. Natural (1) of anger, hostility, and territoriality are expressed (2) acts of violence. These are all qualities that humans (3) with animals. Aggression is a kind of (4) survival mechanism, an instinct for self-preservation that (5) animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence. But, on the other hand, human violent (6) evidence of being a learned behavior. In the case of human aggression violence can not be
(7) reduced to an instinct. The many expressions of human violence are always conditioned by social conventions that give (8) to aggressive behavior. In human societies violence has a social (9) : It is a strategy for (10) the powers of violence. We will look at the ritual and ethical patterns within which human violence has been (11) .
The violence within society
A. guide
B. form
C. model
D. shape
Jan Hendrik Schon’s success seemed too
good to be true, and it was. In only four years as a physicist at Bell
Laboratories, Schon, 32, had co-authored 90 scientific papers — one every 16
days, which astonished his colleagues, and made them suspicious. When one
co-worker noticed that the same table of data appeared in two separate papers —
which also happened to appear in the two most prestigious scientific journals in
the world, Science and Nature — the jig was up. In October 2002, a Bell Labs
investigation found that Schon had falsified and fabricated data. His career as
a scientist was finished. If it sounds a lot like the fall of Hwang Woo Suk — the South Korean researcher who fabricated his evidence about cloning human cells — it is. Scientific scandals, which are as old as science itself, tend to A. change its basic evaluation process B. sue Hwang Woo Suk C. have more thorough scrutiny of photographs for fraud D. ensure scientific validity of papers by replicating the experiments [判断题]账户的基本结构包括账户名称、凭证种类和编号、经济业务发生的日期,内容摘要,借或贷标记栏等。 ( )
A.文化产业 B.依法治国 C.市场经济 D.法律体系 [单选题]数据链路层收到的报文的MTU大于该路由器将要发出的MTU时,采取的策略是()
A.丢掉改分组 B.将该分组分片 C.向源路由发出请求,减小其分组大小 D.直接转发该分组 [单项选择]在儿童中期,儿童成功解决危机后,会形成的美德是()。
A. 希望 B. 有意志力 C. 有目的 D. 有能力 [多选题]座谈询问,分别与____。( )
A.事故现场目击者 B.发生事故单位相关人员 C.有关专家座谈 D.个别询问事故当事人 [判断题]高层建筑的排烟设施可分为机械排烟设施和可开启外窗的自然排烟设施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]经保守治疗,病人中心静脉压20cmH20,血压60/40mmHg,尿量30ml/小时,考虑原因为
A. 心功能衰竭 B. 肾功能衰竭 C. 补充晶体液不足 D. 补充胶体液不足 E. 止血效果不好 [多选题]下列选项中,()属于危险货物分类中的易燃固体、自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品。
A.硫磺 B.液 C.电石 D.硫酸 [单项选择]We need more details,______, who, when, what, and where.
A. (A) for example B. (B) moreover C. (C) however D. (D) accordingly [单选题]下列()适合盛装易燃液体。
A. 瓷器 B. 玻璃容器 C. 具有防腐功能的金属容器 [单项选择]将下面六个句子重新排列组合:
①科研人员已开发出第一台试验样机,并于近日在英国西海岸试运行。 ②考虑到海水涨落变化,风车上端固定竖塔有5至10米露在水面以上。 ③这项耗资600万欧元的研究项目由德国、英国和欧盟提供资助,数家欧洲研究机构参与。 ④机组形状宛如一个倒立的风车,其叶片直径为11米,以每分钟15转的速度随海水水流旋转。 ⑤欧洲科学家最近开发出一种利用海水潮汐能发电的新技术,将一个开放式的“风车”放置海底,利用海水的流动来转动叶片使之发电。 ⑥首台被命名为“海流”的试验样机安置在英国西海岸布里斯托尔湾海面下20米深处。排列组合最连贯的是( )。 A. ⑤①⑥③②④ B. ⑤③⑥②④① C. ⑤①③⑥④② D. ⑤③①⑥④② [判断题]个人保安线作为预防感应电使用,特殊情况下可以代替工作接地线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]社会进入转型期,必须通过法治化解当下社会问题复杂性与应对方式简单化之间的矛盾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]缓和曲线与直线连接处不得有反弯或“( )”。
A.F2 B.F1 C.F3 D.A1 [判断题]有多个被询问人时,可以一并进行询问,制作调查询问笔录。()
[单选题]633. 633.手推调车的车辆,()作用必须良好,有胜任人员负责制动。(B、2、X)[04-00-07-05][020505]
A.空气制动机 B.制动机 C.人力制动机 D.副风缸 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第20. 2. 6条规定:线路杆塔宜设置作业人员上下杆塔和杆塔上水平移动的( )安全保护装置。
A.防坠落 B.防滑 C.防摔 D.防撞 [单项选择]建设单位应当在竣工验收后( )个月内向城乡规划主管部门报送有关竣工验收资料。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 [单选题]膀胱高度充盈的患者,首次导尿最不得超过
A.100m B.500m C.1000m D.3000m E.1500m [单选题]根据票价表计算卧铺半价的正确公式是____。
A.A:卧铺全价/2 B.B:(卧铺票全价-10)/2 C.C:(卧铺票全价-10)/2+10 D.D:(卧铺票全价-10)/2+5 [单选题] 政务服务中线上和线下的关系描述正确的是
A. 线下取代线上 B. 线上取代线下 C. 线上线下竞争加剧 D. 线上线下集成融合 我来回答: 提交