A--severe pain
C--Skin test
D--blood test
E--eyesight test
F--sick-leave certificate
H--blood pressure
I--tooth ache
J--stomach ache
K--heart disease
M--mental disease
N--nervous disease
O--lung disease
P--high fever
Passage 9 One of the most interesting of all studies is the study of words and word origins. Each language is (1) of several earlier languages, and the words of a language can sometimes be traced (2) through two or three different languages to their (3) Again, a word from one language may pass into other languages and (4) a new meaning. The word "etiquette", which is (5) French origin and originally meant a label, (6) a sign, passed into Spanish and kept its original meaning. So in Spanish the word "etiquette" today is used to (7) the small tags which a store (8) to a suit, a dress or a bottle. The word "etiquette" in French, (9) , gradually developed a different meaning. It (10) became the custom to write directions on small cards or "etiquette" as to ho A. lays B. gives C. binds D. attaches [多选题]既能杀虫,又能行气的药物是
A.花椒 B.蛇床子 C.川楝子 D.槟榔 [判断题]在加工过程中,用来测量工件的尺寸、几何形状和相对位置的工具,称作量具。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CR400AF动车组受电弓切除前,需降下受电弓,列车速度应小于()km/h。
A.120 B.160 C.200 D.250 [单选题]人机分工TFDS动态检查范围和质量标准,拉环无( )
A.丢失 B.破损 C.裂损 D.脱落 [单选题]核放射探测仪使用温度范围为( )(难)
A. -10~+100℃ B. -50~+50℃ C. -10~+50℃ D. -100~+50℃ [单选题]用冷或用热治疗最适宜的时间是()
A.10~20 分钟 B.20~30 分钟 C.30~40 分钟 D.40~50 分钟 E.50~60 分钟 [单选题]护士在执业中,不正确的做法是( )。
A.正确执行医嘱 B.观察病人的身心状态 C.对病人进行科学护理 D.遇紧急情况,医生不在场时,不能采取任何的急救措施 E.对病人进行认真护理 [判断题] 人民民主是社会主义的生命,没有民主就没有社会主义,就没有社会主义现代化。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《北京局集团公司铁路旅客电子客票实施细则》规定:符合购买学生票、残疾军人票条件的旅客,应到车站指定售票窗口或自动售/取票机办理一次本人居民身份证件与学生优惠卡或残疾军人优惠证件的核验手续,核验手续应当在乘车前办理。铁路工作人员无权在车站和列车核对其减价优惠(待)凭证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 救援列车停留线,原则上应设在两端接通、便于( )出动的段管线(站线)上。
A.救援列车 B.轨道车 C.机车、车辆 D.车辆 我来回答: 提交