America’s Federal Reserve cut interest
rates by another quarter-point, to 3.75 %. Wall Street, which had been
21 for a sixth half-point cut, was disappointed. The Dow fell by
2% 22 the week. The past week’s economic statistics gave
mixed signals. Exports dropped by 2% in both March and April,
largely 23 a decline in high-tech investment 24 ;the merchandise-trade 25 widened to $ 458 billion in the 12 months 26 April. 27 ,the Conference Board’s index of consumer confidence was higher than 28 in June. Concerns 29 inflation in the Euro area A. reduced B. cut C. slow D. lessened [单选题]蛔虫病最常用的实验诊断方法为
A.直接涂片法 B.肛门拭子法 C.尼龙袋集卵法 D.自然沉淀法 E.饱和盐水漂浮法 [单选题]应选择宽度规格为( )的黄色反光膜地胶带对固定类物品进行定位。
A.30mm B.40mm C.50mm D.60mm [单项选择]临床上不需要进行治疗药物监测(TDM)的药品是()
A. 地高辛 B. 阿司匹林 C. 环孢素 D. 甲氨蝶呤 E. 万古霉素 [单项选择]该患者的治疗方针是
A. 胃肠减压,密切观察病情变化 B. 中药制剂 C. 补液抗炎 D. 急诊手术 [单项选择]下列产自青藏高原的三种动物中哪一种虽很名贵,但不属于青藏高原珍稀动物?()
A. 野牦牛 B. 藏獒 C. 藏羚羊 [单选题]1.50 在高速公路上行驶的载货汽车最高车速不得超过每小时多少公里?
A.60 B.80 C.100 D.120 [单项选择]下列是高气道选择性吸入糖皮质激素的是()。
A. 茶碱 B. 支气管扩张药 C. 博利康尼雾化液 D. 布地奈德 [判断题]心肺复苏法的主要内容是开放气道、口对口(或鼻)人工呼吸和胸外按压。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国内外GIS应用系统设计,以及研制GIS基础软件,均是以()为基础。
A. 空间数据模型理论 B. 计算机操作系统 C. 空间结构模型理论 D. 卫星导航数据 [单选题]我国特种劳动防护用品安全标志中,颜色为白色的部分是( )。
A.“LA”及背景 B.盾牌及“安全防护” C.标志边框 [单项选择]计算机辅助设计的英文缩写是( )。
A. CAD B. CAM C. CAE D. CAI [单项选择]急性胰腺炎的声像图表现特点,下列不正确的是()。
A. 胰腺增大,回声减低 B. 脾静脉、门静脉常不易显示 C. 胰腺正常或略小 D. 胰腺增大,轮廓不清 E. 胰腺外周环绕低回声带 [单选题]下列关于新小脑(皮层小脑)受损后的症状,错误的是( )
A.静止性震颤 B.意向性震颤 C.动作协调障碍 D.肌张力减退 E.不能完成精巧动作 [单选题]挖坑前,应与有关地下管道、电缆等地下设施的主管单位取得联系,明确地下设施的确切位置,做好防护措施。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [填空题]He is regretful for what he (do) ______ .
[单选题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》由( )负责修改、解释。
A.国务院 B.国务院铁路主管部门 C.铁路局 D.客运公司 [判断题]我行与银行同业合作对公国际业务时,应在双方认可的合作协议、报文或其他有效载体中约定双方须履行的反洗钱有关义务,共同遵守反洗钱合规管理相关要求,相互配合做好尽职调查工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]各分公司主要职责,( )、( )、( )、房产证照真实性审核、材料提交、( )、证照收集归档、转资相关工作,提供一厅一议上报省公司相关材料。
A.上报营业厅购置、租赁计划 B.初步勘查选址 C.效益评估、商务谈判 D.合同签订 [单选题]胡夫金字塔:埃及
A.帕特农神庙:雅典 B.埃菲尔铁塔:法国 C.秦始皇陵:中国 D.空中花园:巴比伦 [单项选择]下列对中国饮食民俗表达有误的是()
A. 赫哲族喜欢吃生鱼片 B. 藏族将羊肉片风干后生吃 C. 侗族擅长腌生鱼 D. 阿昌族喜欢吃香竹饭 [多选题]未构成七级以上设备事件,符合下列条件之一者定为八级设备事件:( )
A. 造成5万元以上10万元以下直接经济损失者 B. 10 千伏以上输变电设备跳闸(10 千伏线路跳闸重合成功不计)、被迫停止 运行、非计划检修或停止备用 C. 220 千伏以上电流互感器、电压互感器故障损坏 D.交直流设备异常造成限负荷、降功率或降压运行 [判断题]国家实行生产安全事故责任追究制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Euthanasia: a Heatedly Debated Topic
"We mustn’’t delay any longer... swallowing(吞咽) is difficult...and breathing, that’’s also difficult. Those muscles are weakening too...we mustn’’t delay any longer."
These were the words of Dutchman(荷兰人) Cees van wendel de Joode asking his doctor to help him die. Affected with a serious disease, van Vendel was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating.
Van Venders last three months of life before being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlands. The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown, it starts a nationwide debate on the subject.
The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia (安乐死) , although it is not technically legal there. However, doctors who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelines in
A. when a patient asks for death, he/she may ask for something else B. it’s paternalistic to deny an individual the right to die C. allowing euthanasia may cut back the care and consideration for the elderly and disabled D. to practice euthanasia is to shorten a patient’s life on purpose [单选题]一级动火工作终结后需进行共同签名,其中不包括( )。
A.运维许可人 B.消防监护人 C.动火工作负责人 D.安监部门负责人 我来回答: 提交