Lots of creatures already reproduce without sex. Since the birth of Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, in 1978, (1) of human beings (2) in laboratory glassware rather than in bed.
If human cloning becomes possible—and since the birth of a sheep called Dolly, (3) doubt that it will be feasible to clone a person by 2025—even the link between sex organs and reproduction (4) . You will then be able to take a cutting from your body and grow a new person, (5) you were a willow tree.
(6) , we have already divorced sex from reproduction. In the 1960s, the contraceptive pill freed women to enjoy sex for its own sake. (7) , greater tolerance of homosexuality signaled society’s acceptance of nonreproductive sex of another sort. These changes are only continuations of a (8) that started perhaps a million years ago.
Human beings (9) the interest in infertile, social sex
A. as
B. if
C. even
D. even if
Today cognitive theorists empirically
study the impact of feelings on cognitive processes such as memory and judgment
and also the reciprocal influence of cognition on emotion. However, evolutionary
theorists view emotion as a powerful source of motivation-an internal
communication that something must be done. For example, when people are
threatened, they feel fear, which in turn leads them to deal with the
threatening situation through either fight or flight. Emotions and drives may
also operate in tandem to motivate action, as when excitement accompanies sexual
arousal. From an evolutionary perspective, different emotions serve different
functions. Fear facilitates flight in the face of danger; disgust prevents
ingestion of potentially toxic substances such as rotting meat. An emotion that is less well understood is jealousy A. concern over their husbands’ reproductive ability B. fear that their husbands’ resources would be threatened C. their husbands’ divided attention to them and their offspring D. their emotional instability resulting from their husbands’ infidelity [单项选择]欧美国家进行了一系列的研究发现,建筑工人的死亡威胁是其他行业的()倍。
A. 1.5, B. 2, C. 2.5, D. 3, [单选题]通过对大气污染综合整治方向和重点的宏观分析,可以( )。
A.避免制定大气污染综合整治措施中面面俱到,没有重点或抓不住重点的弊病 B.明确影响大气质量的主要因素和目前在控制大气污染方面的薄弱环节 C.改善城市环境质量的根本 D.进一步控制大气污染物的排放 [单选题]施工升降机在使用期间,( )应每月组织专业技术人员对施工升降机进行检查,并对检查结果进行记录。
A.建设单位 B.监理单位 C.使用单位 D.安装单位 [单选题]钢轨接头病害中( )病害一般发生在捣固不良的地段,尤以曲线下股比较多见。
A.钢轨掉块 B.钢轨擦伤 C.鞍形磨耗 D.低接头 [填空题]中国特色社会主义事业“五位一体”总体布局是指经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]依据GB/T28001标准,组织在建立和评审目标时应考虑()
A. 职业健康危险源和风险 B. 风险评价的结果和控制效果 C. 相关方的意见 D. 人员的能力、意识和培训 [多选题]SDH光传输设备的传输距离主要由( )等因素决定。
A.衰减 B.色散 C.可用性 D.漂移 [多项选择]超声显示有大动脉骑跨先天性心脏病的是()
A. F4 B. 右室双出口 C. 永存动脉干 D. 单心室 E. 大动脉转位 [单项选择]行政处分和行政处罚共同的方式是()。
A. 罚款 B. 记过 C. 降级 D. 没收非法所得 E. 警告 我来回答: 提交