To compete in today’s fast-paced competitive environment, organizations are increasingly allowing contractors, partners, visitors and guests to access their internal enterprise networks. These users may connect to the network through wired ports in conference rooms or offices, or via wireless access points. In allowing this open access for third parties, LANs become (171) . Third parties can introduce risk in a variety of ways from connecting with an infected laptop to unauthorized access of network resources to (172) activity. For many organizations, however, the operational complexity and costs to ensure safe third party network access have been prohibitive. Fifty-two percent of surveyed CISOs state that they currently use a moat and castle’s security approach, and admit that defenses inside the perimeter are weak. Threats from internal users are also increasingly a cause for security concerns. Employees with malicious intent can launch (173) of
A. venomous
B. malicious
C. felonious
D. villainous
Football is, I suppose, the most popular game in England; one has only to go to one of the important matches to see. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, shouting (36) cheering for one side or (37) .
One of the most (38) things about football in England to a (39) is the great (40) of the game which even the smallest boy seems to (41) . He can tell you the names of the players in (42) of the important teams. He has (43) of them and knows the results of many matches. He (44) tell you proudly who he expects will (45) a game, and his opinion is (46) right.
Most schools in England (47) football seriously -- (48) seriously than all any where lessons are the most important. In England, it is (49) that education is not only a(n) (50) of filling a boy’s (51) with facts in a classroom, education also (52) character training; and o
A. have
B. win
C. defeat
D. beat
Short of money Need an instant loan Since the early 1990s your best bet has been to go to the low-rent end of town and find an appointed loan-shop. There you can borrow money in small amounts, generally not much more than $500, against your post-dated pay-cheque. You will be charged around $15 interest for every $100 you borrow--and that is per month.
For many people, there is no alternative. Banks refuse to make small loans because there is no money in it, and completely unregulated lending, via the internet or loan sharks, is too alarming. According to the Community Financial Services Association, an advocacy group for the industry, most borrowers are responsible and pay off their loans in a timely manner. But some don’t.
The Centre for Responsible Lending, a consumer group, says that many borrowers routinely roll over their loans. This quickly brings them into debt traps. A typical borrower may end up paying $793 for a $325 loan. The centre estimates that
A. the highest interest has been restricted to 36%
B. professional personnel may be forced to leave their posts due to high debts
C. the soldiers or their spouses may lend money until they’re bankrupt
D. the Pentagon will reassign their officials in Iraq