In the past, the Park Service focused on making the big scenic parks more (21) and comfortable for tourists. Roads were paved to allow "windshield visitors" to experience the grandeur of nature without leaving their cars, and a (22) number of hotels and grocery stores were permitted to open (23) the park boundaries.
Now this trend is changing. Plans have been made to (24) the parks to their natural condition as much as possible. The objective of such a move would be to secure the preservation of the parks for future generations, (25) allowing present-day visitors to experience pure wilderness, (26) from any obvious signs of civilization -- an opportunity which is quickly disappearing in the twentieth century. (27) plans call only (28) a reduction in the number of cars (29) into the parks each day, but (30) , tourists may have to leave their cars at the gates and then either visit the park on f
A. within
B. inside
C. on
D. at
I don’t know how I became a writer, but
I think it was because of a certain force in me that had to write and that
finally burst through and found a channel. My people were of the working class
of people. My father, a stone-cutter, was a man with a great respect and
veneration for literature. He had a tremendous memory, and he loved poetry, and
the poetry that he loved best was naturally of the rhetorical kind that such a
man would like. Nevertheless it was good poetry, Hamlet’s Soliloquy, Macbeth,
Mark Antony’s Funeral Oration, Grey’s Elegy, and all the rest of it. I heard it
all as a child; I memorized and learned it all He sent me to college to the state university. The desire to write, which had been strong during all my days in high school, grow stronger still. I was editor of the college paper, the college magazine, A. began to think of becoming a writer at Harvard B. had always been successful in his writing career C. want to Harvard to learn to write plays D. worked as a newspaper man before becoming a writer [单项选择]What's the passage mainly about
A. The effects of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. B. The best vehicles for retirement savings. C. How to maximize your after-tax wealth D. A general introduction of American IRA system. [多选题]乘务长需持有在特定飞机上担任客舱乘务员所需的有效的( )证件。
A. 登机证; B.合同; C.训练合格证; D.航空人员体检合格证 [多选题]查控嫌疑车辆的要求是()。(1.0分)
A.先堵后追 B.先控后查 C.人车分离 D.先查人后查车 [单选题]空想社会主义的主要代表是( )
A. 法国的昂利•圣西门、沙尔•傅立叶和英国的罗伯特•欧文 B. 英国的昂利•圣西门、沙尔•傅立叶和法国的罗伯特•欧文 C. 德国的罗伯特•欧文、昂利•圣西门和英国的沙尔•傅立叶 D. 德国的昂利•圣西门、沙尔•傅立叶和英国的罗伯特•欧文 [简答题]【问答题】工作许可人的安全责任有哪些?
[单选题]( )包括:套管头、四通、双闸板防喷器、单闸板防喷器、环形防喷器、旋转防喷器、节流管汇、压井管汇、防喷器控制系统、分离器、放喷管线、点火装置、内防喷工具等。
A.防喷器 B.井口装置 C.井控装备 D.控制装置 [单选题]下面可能会造成干燥单元积料的原因是(
A.干燥不彻底 B.装置负荷低 C.粉料分离器压力高 D.粉料黏度大,流动性不好 [多选题]以强化法测定硼酸纯度时,为使之转化为较强酸()。
A.甲醇 B.甘油 C.乙醇 D.甘露醇 E.苯酚 [填空题]The world is not only hungry, but{{U}} (36) {{/U}}for water. That way seems strange to you, since{{U}} (37) {{/U}}75% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. But about{{U}} (38) {{/U}}of this huge amount is seawater, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3%—the fresh water from rivers, lakes, underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of{{U}} (39) {{/U}}and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been{{U}} (40) {{/U}}
However, this small amount of fresh water is still enough for us. But our need for water is{{U}} (41) {{/U}}rapidly. Only if we take steps t5 deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe{{U}} (42) {{/U}}water{{U}} (43) {{/U}}later on.
{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. Today water is used only once and then discharged into a sewer system,{{U}} (45) {{/U}}. But it is possible to pipe used water to a purifying plant. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it ca
A. 刮风不开窗 B. 任何天气均开窗片刻 C. 半天开窗 D. 全天开窗 [单项选择]下列心理问题主要是由于躯体疾病引起的是()
A. 意志消沉 B. 躯体缺陷(如盲、聋、哑、跛等) C. 情绪波动 D. 认识错误 [单选题]BK005检查更换油嘴,必须先( )出油生产闸门,放压、卸丝堵后进行。
A.全部打开 B.少量打开 C.关闭 D.关1/2 [多项选择]对于“零售成套货品”的归类,需同时符合下列条件:()
A. 由归人不同品目的物品组成 B. 物品在用途上是相互补充、配合使用的 C. 物品在用途上不需相互补充、配合使用的 D. 零售包装 [单选题]供给人体能量的主要食物来源是( )
A. 脂肪、膳食纤维、水、蛋白质 B. 动植物蛋白、谷类淀粉、各种油脂 C. 蛋白质、脂肪和钙、铁等矿物质 D. 葡萄糖、核黄素、碳水化合物 E. 酒类、膳食纤维、动植物蛋白 [判断题]装置正常停工时,应严格按照停工方案进行操作,避免出现操作失误,造成事故的发生。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中梁裂损属于( )故障范围。
A.大件修 B.小件修 C.摘车临修 D.临时整修 [单项选择]以下哪项不是心肌梗死的全身症状表现()
A. 心动过速 B. 反热 C. 红细胞沉降率增快 D. 白细胞增高 E. 呼吸困难 [多项选择]排水管道检验内容包括()。
A. 满水试验 B. 灌水试验 C. 水压试验 D. 通水试验 E. 通球试验 [单选题][T]A-B-662 4 2 3
( )中石墨是紧密的团絮状。它是用白口铸铁件经长期退火后获得,这类铸铁强度较高,韧性好。 A.灰铸铁 B.球墨铸铁 C.蠕墨铸铁 D.可锻铸铁 [多项选择]在中国古代典籍中,宪法一词的含义是指( )。
A. 一般的法律制度 B. 优于刑法的基本法 C. 颁布、实施法律 D. 皇帝的诏书、谕旨 [判断题]自由基型光固化树脂在光固化转变时,若撤走光源,反应立即停止。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述CCBⅡ制动机自动制动阀重联位时的作用?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工现场作业人员安全带的正确使用方法是()。
A.低挂高用 B.高挂低用 C.与身体平行 [判断题]10kV配电变台典型设计环境温度范围为:-30℃~+40℃。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交