In Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹) , there is an
unusual Children Restaurant. It is run (经营) by children. From the manager to the
cooks, waiters and other members are all children from six to twelve years old.
They themselves do all the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning. These
children are selected (挑选) in Amsterdam. After training (培训), they may work in
the Restaurant for four weeks. All of them like their work. This restaurant was founded (创办) in 1983 by a woman cook, who wanted to give the children chances to learn to be useful to the public. And now she is the only adult (大人) there, but her job is just to take care of the children. The Restaurant is welcomed almost by everyone. Since there are only 20 seats in the Restaurant, it is always full of people. If you want to have [单项选择]热凝塑料的微波聚合法中电子微波炉照射时间为()。
A. 15秒 B. 10秒 C. 20秒 D. 25秒 E. 30秒 [判断题]太阳能的基础是核能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 测量仪器所安置的地点叫( )。
A.测点 B.测站 C.地点标 D.坐标 [单选题]在土质松软处挖坑,应采取加挡板、撑木等防止塌方的措施。 不应由( )掏挖土层。
A.下部 B.上部 C.顶部 D.人工 [单选题] 在经济交往活动中,应以( )为前提。
A.自己利益的实现 B.自己利益的实现和他人需要的满足 C.自己利益第一,对方利益第二 D.大公无私,照顾对方利益 [单选题]消防控制室是建筑内消防设施系统的()中心。
A.控制 B.接收 C.显示 D.报警 [简答题]为什么要编制矿井防治水中长期规划?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机车最大运用速度超过( )就应该采用牵引电动机全悬挂。
A.80~100km/h B.100~120km/h C.120~140km/h D.140~160kmh [判断题]所有中枢神经系统肿瘤均应行术后常规放疗。
肚子里面了,这些主要责任在于:() A.医院 B.医生 C.医生和护士 D.护士 E.以上都是 [单项选择]世界卫生组织推荐的镇痛药阶梯用药原则是:
A. 第一阶梯:一般疼痛采用解热镇痛药如阿司匹林、对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛) B. 第二阶梯:疼痛持续或增加采用弱阿片类镇痛药如可待因、曲马多 C. 第三阶梯:剧烈疼痛采用强效阿片类镇痛药如吗啡、美沙酮、芬太尼 D. 以上全部 E. 第三阶梯主要用于恶性肿瘤患者 [单选题]面色无华,气少懒言,头晕乏力,反复感冒,证属
A.气虚 B.血虚 C.精亏 D.津亏 E.液少 我来回答: 提交