Highways in the US{{/B}} The United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. {{U}} (51) {{/U}} these wide modern roads are generally smooth and well maintained, with {{U}} (52) {{/U}} sharp curves and many straight sections, a direct route is not always the most {{U}} (53) {{/U}} one. Large highways often pass {{U}} (54) {{/U}} scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally {{U}} (55) {{/U}} large urban centers which means that they become crowded with {{U}} (56) {{/U}} traffic during rush hours, when the "fast, direct" way becomes a very slow route. However, there is {{U}} (57) {{/U}} always another A. All B. Several C. Lots D. Some [多项选择]公民、法人或其他组织认为行政机关不依法履行政府信息公开义务,可以向()举报。
A. 上级行政机关 B. 监察机关 C. 政府信息公开工作主管部门 D. 政府法制机构 [判断题]工艺设计贯穿整个涂装车间项目设计。( )
[单项选择]Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. They can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on permanent basis for long-term project. So companies mm to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business through the Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the saving of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas.
When the saver needs his money back, he dose not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money. Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or b A. rely on their own financial resources B. persuade the banks to provide long-term fin0ance C. borrow large sums of money from friends and people they know D. depend on the population as a whole for finance [单选题]遗失国家综合性消防救援队伍人员证件,应当及时报告制发机关。需补发时,经( )审查批准后补发
A.中队(站) B.大队 C.支队 D.制发机关 [简答题]先科电子技术有限公司(以下简称“先科公司”)公司和信念信息开发有限公司(以下简称
“信念公司”)同为国内移动终端领域的两家主要生产商,近年来随着移动互联网技术的突飞猛进,其终端设备的市场竞争也呈现出白热化态势,国外产品的品质超群与价格高位与国内产品的经济实用和技术非凡一起来角逐公众应用的零售市场。先科公司规模较大,市场占有率和知名度较高。信念公司经过 3 年前改制重组,新进入研发生产经济型终端设备,目前依然未能实现有效量产,资金配置上存在一定问题,销售渠道也不是很畅通。但信念公司拥有多项自行研发的核心技术,其批量化投入应用的三项关键技术,也属于未来互联时代移动终端产业的发展方向,需要投入资金扩大规模和开拓市场。先科公司财务状况良好,资金充足,是金融机构比较信赖的企业,其管理层的战略目标是发展成为行业的主导企业,在市场份额和技术上取得优势地位。
2018 年 1 月,先科公司积极筹备并购信念公司。围绕并购动因问题,公司上下反复讨论,各方面充分发表意见,集中后一致认为先科公司具备并购标的企业的动因。
之后,制订具体并购方案。先科公司准备收购信念公司 100%的股权。先科公司的估计价值为20 亿元,信念公司的估计价值为 5 亿元。先科公司收购信念公司后,两家公司经过整合,价值将达到 28 亿元。信念公司要求的股权转让出价为 6 亿元。先科公司预计在并购价款外,还要发生审计费、评估费、律师费、财务顾问费、职工安置、解决债务纠纷等并购交易费用支出 0.5 亿元。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]采购人应当自收到评标报告之日起2个工作日内,在评标报告确定的中标候选人名单中按顺序确定中标人( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者男,62岁。头晕乏力半年伴牙龈出血1个月。查体:贫血外观,肝、脾肋下可触及。实验室检查:RBC3.8×1012/L,HB77g/L,MCV和MCHC正常,WBC3.4×109/L,PLT65×109/L,血涂片可见幼红细胞。最可能的诊断为( )。
A.铁粒幼细胞贫血 B.营养不良性贫血 C.脾功能亢进 D.再生障碍性贫血 E.MDS [简答题]简述托马斯•阿奎那的神学德性论。
[单项选择]血容量不足时,中心静脉压通常低于 ( )
A. 4cmH2O B. 8cmH2O C. 10cmH2O D. 12cmH2O E. 14cmH2O [单选题]患者,女性.58岁,有“冠心病”病史半年,昨日与邻居发生口角后即自觉心痛阵作,痛无定处,脘腹胀闷,嗳气较舒,苔白,脉细弦,治疗主方宜选
A.柴胡疏肝散 B.丹栀逍遥散 C.当归四逆散 D.栝蒌薤白半夏汤 [单项选择]“少风调皎爽不群”说的是以下哪一位()
A. 李香君 B. 马士英 C. 杨龙友 D. 阮大铖 [单项选择]下列关于栈的描述正确的是( )。
A. 在栈中只能插入元素而不能删除元素 B. 在栈中只能删除元素而不能插入元素 C. 栈是特殊的线性表,只能在一端插入或删除元素 D. 栈是特殊的线性表,只能在一端插入元素,而在另一端删除元素 我来回答: 提交