The fear of Americanization of the
planet is more ideological paranoia (多疑) than reality. There is no doubt that,
with globalization, English has become the general language of our time, as was
Latin in the Middle Ages. And it will continue its ascent, since it is an
indispensable instrument for international transactions and communication. But
does this mean that English necessarily develops at the expense of the other
great languages Absolutely not. In fact, the opposite is true. The vanishing of
borders and an increasingly interdependent world have created incentives for new
generations to learn and assimilate other cultures, not merely as a hobby, but
also out of necessity, because the ability to speak several languages and
navigate comfortably in different cultures has become crucial for professional
success. Consider the case of Spanish. Half a cen A. languages differ in importance B. language helps understand culture C. there is one world language D. language reflects culture [单项选择]最常见的能够进行化学处理改性的环境矿物材料不包括()。
A. 膨润土 B. 石英 C. 沸石 D. 海泡石 [单选题]测量时环境温度的改变造成的误差属于( )。
A.疏失误差 B.随机误差 C.系统误差 D.基本误差 [单选题] 当脚手板采用竹笆板时,纵向水平杆应满足以下要求( )。
A. 等间距设置,最大间距不大于400mm B. 等间距设置,最大间距不大于300mm C. 等间距设置,最大间距不大于500mm D. 间距不限 [单选题]下列哪个信号的控制与DA模块无关( )。
A.空压机启动与停止 B.受电弓升降 C.HSCB分合 D.VCU紧急制动 [多选题]王某有一栋两层楼房,在楼顶上设置了一个商业广告牌。后王某将该楼房的第二层出售给了张某。下列哪些选项是正确的( )。
A.张某无权要求王某拆除广告牌 B.张某与王某间形成了建筑物区分所有权关系 C.张某对楼顶享有共有和共同管理的权利 D.张某有权要求与王某分享其购房后的广告收益 [单选题]病人女性,35岁,反复浮肿3年,BP21/13kPa,Hb80g/L,尿蛋白(++),镜检RBC 2~4/Hp,BUN 10mmol/L。该病人哪种疾病可能性大
A.慢性肾盂肾炎 B.隐匿性肾炎 C.慢性肾炎 D.肾病综合征 E.高血压肾小动脉硬化 [单项选择]下列关于沥青混合料拌和的有关说法错误的是( )。
A. 拌和站设试验室,对沥青混凝土的原材料和沥青混合料及时进行检测 B. 混合料的出料温度控制在135~170℃ C. 粗细料离析和结块现象的混合料应回厂重新拌和 D. 出厂的混合料须均匀一致,无白花料 [多项选择]2016年小企业风险管理策略是()
A. 坚持业务真实性为前提 B. 坚持第一还款来源为核心 C. 坚持风险约束为保障 D. 坚持非现场监测为主的贷后管理要求 [多项选择]贷款主管人员在对一笔贷款定价时必须考虑()。
A. 新发贷款的预期收入 B. 提供资金的成本 C. 管理和收入费用 D. 借款人的风险等级 E. 借款人的资本实力 [简答题]遇出站(进路)信号机突变,如列车停车后已越过关闭的信号
机,应通知工务、电务部门进行检查,在得到工务线路设备正常使用的销记后,经确认进路正确后,由列车调度员发布列车继续运行的口头指示, 司机凭车站值班员可继续运行的通知后直接开车。 我来回答: 提交