Passage 2
In about two years, NASA astronauts will go into space with personal assistants. Robotic assistants, of course. About the size of softballs, these personal satellite assistants (PSAs) can float throughout the space shuttle or space station, automatically monitoring life support systems, snapping photos, and taking over monitoring tasks from failed sensors. They're equipped with collision avoidance system so they won't bump into anything Naturally, they're wireless. Thanks to their videoconferencing capabilities, the PSAs offer a virtual presence for ground crews and scientists, letting them advise astronauts--in real time --in the midst of their experiments. The PSAs. will be stowed until the spacecraft reaches orbit (天体运行的轨道). And then activated by the astronauts, ground crews, or even by the spacecraft itsel A. NASA and PSAs B. Space Researches on PSAs C. PSAs in Space D. Orbits [单选题]要做到遵纪守法,对每个职工来说必须做到的是
A.有法可依 B.反对“管”、“卡”、“压” C. 努力学法、知法、守法、用法 D.享受自由主义 [单选题]减速箱和变速箱的润滑油,需要定期更换,对连续运动的减速箱应保持油温不超过( )℃?
A.60 B.80 C.90 D.100 [判断题]倒闸操作的基本条件之一:有值班调控人员、运维负责人正式发布的指令,并使用经事先审核合格的操作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]{A}流土发生在黏性土或颗粒均匀的非黏性土中,使渗流出口附近部分土体中所有颗粒同时被带出的现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]定点医疗机构应具备的条件有
A. 符合区域医疗机构设置规划 B. 符合医疗机构评审标准 C. 有健全完善的医疗服务管理制度 D. 严格遵守有关医疗服务和药品价格政策 E. 建立与基本医疗保险相适应的内部管理制度 [单项选择]商业银行并购贷款涉及跨境交易的,除一般风险外,还应分析与国外交易应有的国别风险、()和资金过境风险等。
A. 汇率风险 B. 流动性风险 C. 安全性 D. 收益性 [填空题] 胎儿附属物包括( )
[单选题]2.224. 第224题 lkV-lOkV配电线路的导线与拉线、电杆或构架间的净空距离,不应小于下列数值:
A.0.15 B.0.2 C.0.3 D.0.4 [单项选择]矿井应该有()的防水、排水系统。
A. 地面 B. 井下 C. 地面和井下 [判断题]广告竞争力排序的指标是出价,出价越高排名越靠前。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]商业银行在实施数据中心整体服务外包前,无须向中国银监会或其派出机构报告。()
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