Labor force is defined as being the
total number of people who are available to work and earn in- come. This
definition includes everyone who is employed or seeking paid employment, so it
includes employees and the self-employed: Labor is one of the Country’s
resources which can be combined with other resources to produce the goods and
services required by the community. Though the size of the workforce relies greatly on the size of the total population, there are several other aspects which also affect it. The age distribution of the total population has a very marked effect on the available workforce. If the population has a high proportion of very young people or of those too old to work, then the available workforce would be lower than if there were an evenly spread age distribution. If the population grows rapidly from n A. more people are retiring than people entering the workforce B. the birth rate is growing C. there is an oversupply of workforce D. young people outnumber old people [单选题]轻型轨道车过岔速度不得超过( ),区间运行最高速度不得超过45 km/h,并不得与重型轨道车连挂运行。
A.10km/h B.15 km/h C.20 km/h D.25 km/h [简答题]采掘工作面风流中瓦斯浓度的规定?
[多项选择]下列关于个人所得税征税规定的表述,正确的有( )。
A. 个人从非营利性医疗机构任职取得的工资薪金所得免征个人所得税 B. 个人将行权后的境内上市公司股票再转让时取得的所得,按照工资薪金所得征收个人所得税 C. 律师以个人名义再聘请其他人员为其工作而支付的报酬,应由该律师按劳务报酬所得项目负责代扣代缴个人所得税 D. 证券投资基金从上市公司分配取得的个人股息红利所得,全额计算应纳税所得额 E. 医生或其他个人承包、承租经营医疗机构,经营成果归承包人所有的,按照“对企事业单位的承包经营、承租经营所得”缴纳个人所得税 [单选题]术前应用阿托品主要作用是
A.抑制病人情绪激动 B.抗焦虑及遗忘 C.镇痛及镇静 D.抑制唾液腺,呼吸道腺体 [单项选择]DS5020的最大存储分区数量?()
A. 128 B. 256 C. 512 D. 1024 [单选题]汽车吊、斗臂车与35千伏带电设备的最小安全距离( )米。
A.1.5 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]账务类凭证分为( )和特定凭证。
A.一般凭证 B.单式凭证 C.复式凭证 D.基本凭证 [判断题] 电梯故障发生时,为争取时间,救援行动可以不在电梯公司技术人员的指导下进行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]假定神经细胞的静息电位为-70mV,钠离子平衡电位为+60mV,则钠离子的电化学驱动力为
A.70mV B.60mV C.10mV D.90mV E.130mV [单选题]金属脚手架与220kV带电架空线路沿垂直方向的最小安全距离为()m。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [单选题]Gl型缓冲器的弹簧盒()。(1.0分)
A.为压型结构 B.与G2型缓冲器不通用 C.与G2型缓冲器通用 D.与G2型缓冲器弹簧盒大同小异 [多选题]检验磁粉粒度时,应配备哪几种型号铜网筛( )。
A.101目 B.100目 C.200目 D.320目 [单选题]在常规设备条件下,全断面一次掘进硐室的高度,一般不超过( )m。
A.2~3 B.4~5 C.5~6 D.6~7 [多选题](2019年真题)根据《建设工程监理规范》属于监理员职责的有( )。
A.复核工程计量有关数据 B.检查工序施工结果 C.检查进场工程材料质量 D.进行见证取样 E.进行工程计量 [判断题] 接地故障时,零序电流和零序电压的相位关系与变电所和有关支路的零序阻抗角、故障点有无过渡电阻有关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道德具有多方面的功效和能力。通过评价等方式,指导和纠正人们的行为和实践活动,协调社会关系和人际关系的功效和能力,这是道德的( )
A.调节功能 B.认识功能 C.激励功能 D.规范功能 [填空题]打印方式填写的工作票,工作票签发人和工作领导人必须( )确认。
A.核心负债比率 B.单一集团客户授信集中度 C.流动性比率 D.累计外汇敞口头寸比率 [判断题]绑架过程中又当场劫取被害人随身携带的财物,同时触犯绑架罪和抢劫罪两个罪名,应以绑架罪定罪处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for "academic mobility" is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity (47)________ economic and social progress in the world, and (48)________ in the corridors of Europe, but it is certainly (49)________ new. Serious students were (50)________ ready to go abroad in (51)________ of the most (52)________ teachers and the most famous academies. In short, they are (53)________ the likeliest road to mobility of this kind which means also the (54)________ of ideas, the academic movement across frontier, and the great impact upon many (55)________ of people. The point of learning is to share it, (56)________ with colleagues or with other scholars. This exchange has provided for the rapid transmission of knowledge around the world.
A. boring B. nothing C. search D. while
E. crowds F. for G. something H. exchange
I. whe
A.站场图实时信息 B.灯丝报警信息 C.开关量报警信息 D.电缆绝缘信息 [单项选择]当前学术界比较认可的企业理财目标是()
A. 利润最大化 B. 每股收益(权益资本净利率)最大化 C. 股东财富最大化 D. 企业价值最大化 [单选题]社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]综合计划管理流程包括:总控目标确定及(_____)。
A.计划编制与下达 B.计划执行与检查 C.计划调整与预安排 D.计划考核与后评价 [判断题]严禁设备假检查、假处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]安全规章制度的制定一般包括( )五个流程。
A. 起草→审核→会签→签发→发布 B. 会签→起草→审核→签发→发布 C. 起草→会签→审核→签发→发布 D. 起草→会签→审核→发布→签发 我来回答: 提交