对耐多药结核病,肝肾功能正常者治疗原则为()TEXT A
At the age of 16, Lee Hyuk Joon’s life is a living hell. The South Korean 10th grader gets up at 6 in the morning to go to school, and studies most of the day until returning home at 6 p. m. After dinner, it’s time to hit the books again—at one of Seoul’s many so-called cram schools. Lee gets back home at 1 in the morning, sleeps less than five hours, then repeats the routine—five days a week. It’s a grueling schedule, but Lee worries that it may not be good enough to get him into a top university. Some of his classmates study even harder. South Korea’s education system has long been highly competitive. But for Lee and the other 700,000 high-school sophomores in the country, high-school studies have gotten even more intense. That’s because South Korea has conceived a new college-entrance sy A. require students to sit for more college-entrance tests. B. reduce the weight of college-entrance tests. C. select students on their high school grades only. D. reduce the number of prospective college applicants. [多项选择]对青霉素敏感的细菌是
A. 溶血性链球菌 B. 肺炎球菌 C. 草绿色链球菌 D. 阿米巴原虫 E. 立克次氏体 [单选题]信贷系统操作人员应在每月月初()日内完成风险分类并封存数据。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单项选择]男性,24岁,体重65kg,烫伤双上肢,躯干及双臀部,均为深Ⅱ度,右大腿为Ⅰ度,急诊入院,其第2个24小时补液总量应该是( )
A. 3550ml B. 3950ml C. 4250ml D. 5750ml E. 6500ml [多选题]发生可燃粉尘爆炸,应具备的条件有( )。
A. 粉尘本身可燃 B. 粉尘本身具有一定的湿度 C. 粉尘应悬浮在空气中,并且其浓度处于爆炸极限范围内 D. 有足以引起粉尘爆炸的引火源 [单选题]对滤棒圆周变动无影响的是( )。
A. 成型枪位置高低 B.布带位置 C.成型舌位置 D.喇叭嘴间隙 [多选题]"根据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,违反治安管理行为事实清楚,证据确凿,处()的,可以适用当场处罚
A.500元以下罚款 B.200元以下罚款 C.警告 D.吊销许可证" [单项选择]下面有关于信息安全管理体制的说法错误的是()
A. 目前我国的信息安全保障工作是相关部门各司其职、相互配合、齐抓共管的局面 B. 我国的信息安全保障工作综合利用法律、管理和技术的手段 C. 我国的信息安全管理应坚持及时检测、快速响应、综合治理的方针 D. 我国对于信息安全贵任的原则是谁主管、谁负责;谁经营、谁负责 [判断题]中暑病人基本发生在6~8月份,其中7月份最多。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]板式塔是一种()接触的气液传质设备。
A. 连续 B. 逐级 C. 分散 D. 说不清楚 [单选题]蜗杆的齿形角是在通过蜗杆的剖面内,轴线的面与()之间的夹角。
A.、端面 B.大经 C.齿侧 D.齿根 [单选题]再生障碍性贫血
A.全血细胞减少 B.红细胞及血小板正常 C.红细胞及血红蛋白均减少 D.血小板减少并有形态异常 E.周围血大量原始和幼稚白细胞 我来回答: 提交