The picnics, speeches, and parades of
today’ s Labor Day were all part of the celebration, held in New York City in
1882. Its promoter was an Irish-American labor leader named Peter J. McGuire. A
carpenter by trade, McGuire had worked since the age of eleven, and in 1882 was
president of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners (UBCJ).
Approaching the City’ s Central Labor Union that summer, he proposed a holiday
that would applaud (赞许) "the industrial spirit—the great vital force of every
nation. "On September 5 his suggestion bore fruit, as the estimated 10,000
workers, many of them ignoring their bosses’ warnings, left work to march from
Union Square up Fifth Avenue to 42rid Street. The event gained national
attention, and by 1893 thirty states had made Labor Day an annual
holiday. The quick adoption of the scheme may have indicate A. The lawmakers’ respect for the workers. B. The workers’ determination to have a holiday of their own. C. The socialists’ demands for thorough reform. D. The politicians’ fear of the workers’ anger. [单项选择]How much is the 2 - hour space tour for each person according to Space Adventures in Arlington
A. $1 million B. $ 10,000 C. $98,000 D. $ 22,000 [多选题]近体诗用韵所依照的都是韵书,即(),共206韵
A.《广韵》 B.《切韵》 C.《唐韵》 D.《集韵》 E.《韵略》 [单选题]关于脑复苏的治疗措施,哪项描述是不恰当的( )
A.维持良好的呼吸功能十分重要 B.先决条件是确保循环功能稳定 C.低温是综合治疗的重要组成部分 D.早期不宜应用肾上腺皮质激素 E.脱水治疗应以渗透性利尿为主 [单项选择]女性,59岁。慢性咳喘20年。近5年来动则气急,并常有尿少、下肢浮肿。3天前"感冒"自服"感冒通"后热退,但气急、咳嗽加重,昨夜因失眠服地西泮(安定)后入睡,今晨家人见其呼之不应,送来急诊。体检见神志恍惚,呼吸浅速,频率28次/min,紫绀明显。两肺散在干湿啰音。呼吸空气条件下动脉血气分析示pH7.29,PaCO210.5kPa(80mmHg),PaO26.1kPa(46mmHg)。假设信息:如果患者接受机械通气治疗,病情一度改善但患者突然出现与呼吸机不协调的情况,气急紫绀和躁动不安监测肺动态顺应性降低病情恶化原因是()
A. 气道分泌物阻塞 B. 并发气压伤气胸 C. 心输出量减少 D. 肺不张 E. "呼吸器肺"(即呼吸器引起的ARDS) [单选题] 车辆空气制动机的基本作用是( )。
A. 充气、制动、保压和缓解 B. 制动和缓解 C. 制动和保压 D. 充气缓解和减压制动 [判断题]骨折急救时,开放性骨折,伴有大出血者,先固定、再止血,并用干净布片覆盖伤口,然后速送医院救治。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]洗钱行为和洗钱犯罪的本质区别是:( )
A.洗钱金额的大小不同 B.社会危害的大小不同 C.洗钱次数的多少不同 D.洗钱的手段不同 [单选题]根据票据法律制度的规定,下列票据记载事项中,可以更改的是( )。
A.出票日期 B.付款人名称 C.票据金额 D.收款人名称 我来回答: 提交