If you are tired of watering your
plants every day, you might want to try growing them right in the water. And in
fact this is not a new idea: People in ancient Egypt were growing plants without
soil more than 2,000 years ago. Moreover, the floating gardens of the Aztecs in
early Mexico are another ancient example of gardening without soil. Nowadays
this technique is widely used. It is called hydroponic gardening. Literally, the term hydroponics means cultivating in water rather than in soil, and in fact normal soil is not used in this process. But plants are plants, and so the concerns of the hydroponic gardener are really much the same as those of any other farmer. Even when they do not grow in soil, all plants need food, stability, oxygen, and protection from disease. The main nutrients required by plants are nit A. Moderate. B. Barren. C. Rich. D. Wet. [单项选择]下列属于妊娠忌用药的是( )
A. 制川乌 B. 白附子 C. 马钱子 D. 丁公藤 E. 肉桂 [简答题]列车接近接触网电分相处,应注意ATP的DMI显示,发现ATP的DMI左下角显示闪烁的紧急消息红色图标→! ,应立即( ),并将情况报告列车调度员(车站值班员)。
[判断题][T]A-D-B-001 3 1 4
下沉是最常见的路基病害,具体表现为路基沉陷,路堤地段、路堑地段和过度段都有发生。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]我国正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,现在达到的小康还是()。
A.发展不平衡的 B.低水平的 C.全面的 D.不全面的 [单项选择]属于十五络脉的是()
A. 带脉之络、冲脉之络、脾之大络 B. 带脉之络、冲脉之络、胃之大络 C. 任脉络、督脉络、脾之大络 D. 任脉络、督脉络、胃之大络 E. 任脉络、督脉络、冲脉之络 [填空题]S10
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]B-A-C-005 3 1 2
通常对流室炉管所受热是来自烟道气和进入烟囱的废气。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]与鼻骨下缘相连骨性突起的是( )
A. 鼻外侧软骨 B. 腭骨突 C. 额骨 D. 上颌骨额突 E. 额骨鼻突 [简答题]说明SG1025引进型锅炉一次风机启动的操作步骤。
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