Should a leader strive to be loved or
feared This question, famously posed by Machiavelli, lies at the heart of
Joseph Nye’s new book. Mr. Nye, a former dean of the Kennedy School of
Government at Harvard and one-time chairman of America’s National Intelligence
Council, is best known for promoting the idea of “soft power”, based on
persuasion and influence, as a counterpoint to "hard power" , based on coercion
(强迫) and force. Having analyzed the use of soft and hard power in politics and diplomacy in his previous books, Mr. Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between power and leadership, in both the political and business spheres. Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard power is preferable to A. well accepted by Joseph Nye B. very influential till nowadays C. based on sound theories D. contrary to that of modern leadership theorists [判断题]超过1500个座位的礼堂,应设置自动灭火系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《石油化工企业设计防火标准(2018 年版)》(G B 50160-2008), 采用稳压泵维持管网的消防水压力大于或等于 0. 7MP A 的消防水系统称为()。
A.稳高压消防水系统 B.消防栓灭火系统 C.自动消防喷淋系统 [判断题]部属的上一级首长是间接首长.( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在钻井过程中,储层损害的两个主要因素是()。
A. 压差和侵泡时间; B. 压差和钻井液类型; C. 钻井液粘度和侵泡时间; D. 环空流速和压差。 [判断题]在进行高处作业时,如在格栅式的平台上工作,为了防止工具和器材掉落,应采取有效隔离措施,如铺设木板等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,男,60岁,突发意识障碍,能唤醒,醒后可简单回答问题及勉强配合检查,停止刺激即又入睡,这种意识状态是( )
A.嗜睡 B.昏睡 C.昏迷 D.谵妄 E.意识模糊 [单选题]慢性支气管炎最突出的症状是:
A.长期反复咳嗽 B.经常咳痰 C.时有喘息 D.反复发热 E.少量咳血 [单项选择]由几何图形、有机形等组成的商标属于()。
A. 文字商标 B. 抽象图形商标 C. 具象图形商标 D. 非形象商标 [简答题]简述问题解决学习的意义。
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