21-25 Apple is hardly alone in the high-tech industry when it comes to duff gadgets and unhelpful call centers, but in other respects it is highly unusual. In particular, it inspires an almost religious fervor among its customers. That is no doubt helped by the fact that its corporate biography is so closely bound up with the mercurial Mr. Jobs, a rare showman in his industry. Yet for all its flaws and quirks, Apple has at least four important wider lessons to teach other companies. The first is that innovation can come from without as well as within. Apple is widely assumed to be an innovator in the tradition of Thomas Edison or Bell Laboratories, locking its engineers away to cook up new ideas and basing products on their moments of inspiration. In fact, its real skill lies in stitching together its own ideas with A. Little trick. B. Game. C. Little invention. D. Problem. [多选题] 电焊工尘肺的主要症状有()
A. 气短 B.咳痰 C. 胸闷和胸痛 D. 头晕 [单选题]单管塔、桅杆中心垂直度偏差应不得大于()。
A.1/500 B.1/750 C.1/1000 D.1/1500 [单选题]内隐认知是指人的大脑对各种刺激的内部加工过程,即在认知的过程中,虽然行为者不能回忆某一过去经验,但这一经验已潜在地对行为者的行为和判断产生影响。
根据上述定义,下列符合内隐认知的是( )。
A.小方在电视上看到某品牌手机的广告,她想到爸爸使用的手机听筒有问题,不如买一款广告中的手机送给他 B.小辉利用业余时间学习了法语,工作后由于没有从事法语相关工作,法语学习就迫中断了 C.三十岁的张明很怕毛毛虫,母亲认为这是因为他一岁半时曾被毛毛虫蜇伤过 D.一些企业借鉴国外经验,请名人为公司产品代言,并进行广泛宣传,以此为企业贏得利润与声誉 [单选题]保持党的先进性和纯洁性,最重要的是依靠( )。
A.解放思想 B.实事求是 C.纪律严明 D.群众路线 [判断题]乘客信息系统车站子系统遇到网络通信中断以及系统检测到非法入侵时,受到影响的车站子系统将迅速自动转入降级播放模式,按已接收到的播放列表和节目内容自行组织播放。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国《保险法》规定:保险公司未按照规定提取或者结转各项责任准备金的,由保险监督管理机构责令改正,处五万元以上三十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,可以限制其业务范围、责令停止接受新业务或者吊销业务许可证。
A. 进行性延髓麻痹 B. 假性球麻痹 C. 急性炎症性多发性脱髓鞘性神经病 D. 延髓空洞症 E. 小脑后下动脉血栓形成 [判断题]登高平台消防车的工作斗内通常安装有风速仪来监测环境风速的大小,并通过转台和工作斗控制器实时显示风速,当风速大于设定值时,将禁止臂架仰起俯下和伸出,只能向安全工况运动。(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公共信息腐败,是指利用公权力左右公共信息的发布和公开,从而为私人或小团体获得利益的行为。
A.A某黑客解密政府公共信息后在网络上贩卖盈利 B.B某民警利用工作之便调阅了仇人的所有户籍信息 C.C某法官把同事的私人照片发到网络上从而获利 D.D某网警受贿后删除了某企业在政府网站上的不良记录 [填空题]吸收塔操作时,若脱吸因数mG/L增加,而气液进口组成不变,则溶质回收率将(),而出塔液体浓度将()。
A.输电线路工程安全文明施工设施按照施工准备、基础施工、杆塔组立、放紧线四个阶段开展标准化配置工作 B.工程项目配置的安全文明施工设施必须符合国家、行业、公司标准规范和制度规定的使用年限和条件,应经过性能检查、试验,不合格设施不得用于工程现场 C.监理项目部结合现场实际需要,对进场设施进行现场审核,签署审核意见,由项目专业监理工程师签字确认。对“关键项”不符合要求的,不得批准施工 D.施工作业班组在填写施工作业票时,将安全文明设施是否配置到位作为作业必备条件 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]NK细胞主要杀伤
A. 肿瘤细胞 B. 微生物感染细胞 C. 自身衰老细胞 D. 病毒感染细胞 E. 肿瘤细胞和病毒感染细胞 [多项选择]下列关于合同义务转移的说法中,正确的是( )。
A. 合同义务的转移只需通知债权人 B. 合同义务的转移,必须经债权人的同意 C. 所有合同义务都可以转移 D. 合同义务转移时,新债务人还应当承担与主债务有关的从债务 [单选题]
某施工企业于2004年3月1日取得安全生产许可证,该许可证至( )届满。 A. 38777 B. 39143 C. 39508 D. 39873 [单项选择]
Philosophy of Logical Analysis Modern physics and physiology throw a new light upon the ancient problem of perception. If there is to be anything that can be called "perception", it must be in some degree an effect of the object perceived, and it must more or less resemble the object if it is to be a source of knowledge of the object. The first requisite can only be fulfilled if there are causal chains which are, to a greater or lesser extent, independent of the rest of the world. According to physics, this is the case. Modern analytical empiricism differs from that of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume by its incorporation of mathematics and its development of a powerful logical technique. It is thus able, in regard to certain problems, to achieve definite answers, which have the quality of science rather than philosophy. It has the advantage; as compared with philosophies of system-builders, of being able to tackle its problems one at a A. It proves or justifies religious truth. B. It disapproves and rejects any religious truth. C. It neither proves nor disapproves religious truth. D. It will influence religious trut [判断题] 表示SO2排放含量的单位主要有ppm和mg/m3,它们之间可以相互转换。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]与著作权人订立专有许可使用合同、转让合同的,必须向著作权行政管理部门备案。
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