Early that June Pins XII secretly
addressed the Sacred College of Cardinals on the extermination of the Jews.
"Every word we address to the competent authority on this subject, and all our
public utterances," he said in explanation of his reluctance to express more
open condemnation, "have to be carefully weighed and measured by us in the
interest of the victims themselves, lest, contrary to our intentions, we make
their situation worse and harder to bear." He did not add that another reason
for proceeding cautiously was that he regarded Bolshevism as a far greater
danger than Nazism. The position of the Holy Sea was deplorable but it was an offense of omission rather than commission. The Church, under the Pope’s guidance, had alrea A. Pius XII himself. B. Pius XII and the College of Cardinals. C. an unknown group. D. something that cannot be determined by the text. [单选题]GIS最大气室的气体处理时间不超过(____)。
A.10h; B.8h; C.9h; D.11h [多选题]国家标准规定的安全电压额定值的等级有( )。
A.65V B.55V C.42V D.36V E.24V F.12V G.6V [多选题]xlds下列表述不正确的是( )。
A..在破拆建(构)筑物内部构件时,应首先确认建(构)筑物承重结构,防止误拆承重构件造成建(构)筑物倒塌 B..在有各种管道设备的建筑物内部破拆时,破拆部位的选择应尽量避开管道设备。 C..避免因破拆造成管道损坏,引起倒塌。 D..避免因破拆或影响通信.供电.供气。 [单项选择]阿尔茨海默病的临床表现不包括
A. 痴呆为部分性的 B. 与遗传因素有关 C. 病程一般8~10年,不可逆 D. 可有非认知性的精神症状 E. 脑重减轻、脑萎缩 [判断题]“八五粉”与“八一粉”相比,丢失了很多维生素、纤维素和矿物质。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]马克思认为,任何人或者任何集团都不能凭借对客观生产条件的占有而占有他人的劳动。
A.一定要自己想办法排除隐患 B.立即停止作业 C.告知工友注意安全后继续作业 D.立即向现场安全生产管理人员或者本单位负责人报告 我来回答: 提交