This country, as Lincoln said, belongs
to the people. So do the natural resources which make it rich. They supply the
basis of our prosperity now and hereafter. In preserving them, which is a
national duty, we must not forget that monopoly is based on the control of
natural resources and natural advantages, and that it will help the people
little to conserve our natural wealth unless the benefits which it can yield are
given back to the people. Let us remember, also, that conservation does not stop with the natural resources. The principle of making the best use of all we have requires that we stop the waste of human life in industry and prevent the waste of human welfare which flows from the unfair use of concentrated power and wealth in the hands of men whose eagerness for profit blinds them to the cost of what they do. We have no h A. Their greed for profit makes them ignore the expense. B. They have accumulated too much wealth and power. C. They make profits by pretending to be blind. D. They make profits by cheating. [多选题]柱上断路器及负荷开关缺陷处理中的危险点预控包括( )。
A.防止机械部分释放弹簧压力伤及人手 B.防止低压触电及低压回路短路 C.防止高空落物伤人 D.在厂家指导下参照说明书进行处理。 [单项选择]跨装车组应使用车钩缓冲停止器,安装应在车钩()下进行。
A. 运行状态 B. 拉伸状态 C. 压缩状态 D. 自然状态 [单项选择]可作为价值工程活动的依据、标准、对比对象的是()
A. 情报资料 B. 选择对象的方法 C. 功能评价方法 D. 组织领导 [单项选择]下列哪一种途径引起胃容受性舒张
A. C细胞释放胃泌素 B. 交感神经兴奋释放去甲肾上腺素 C. 迷走神经兴奋释放血管活性肠肽 D. 迷走神经兴奋释放ACh E. D细胞释放牛长抑素 [单项选择]植物生存的最小土层厚度45cm的植物种类是()。
A. 小灌木 B. 大灌木 C. 浅根性乔木 D. 草类与地被 [填空题]1NF消除______依赖,即规范化为2NF;2NF消除依赖非主属性对码的传递函数,即规范化为3NF。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]当面报告是指工作许可人和工作负责人在信息工作票上记录终结时间即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]地铁站工作人员发现可疑物并立即报告公安机关,民警赶到后使用警戒带将可疑物隔离,并且使用排爆毯将可疑物覆盖,之后站内工作人员将车站内人员清空,民警在可疑物附近戒备。(
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列材料中,在凝结硬化时产生微膨胀的是( )。
A. 水泥浆 B. 水泥砂浆 C. 普通混凝土 D. 建筑石膏 [单选题] 三角带传动时,两带轮的平面差应该控制在( )以内
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm [单项选择]女性,35岁。腹痛,便秘3个月,加重10天。2年前患肺结核。查体:腹软,右下腹压痛,触及一鸡蛋大小包块,肠鸣音活跃。X线钡透:回盲部充盈缺损。PPD试验强阳性。肠结核最好发的部位是()。
A. 乙状结肠 B. 降结肠 C. 横结肠 D. 升结肠 E. 回盲部 我来回答: 提交