Passage 3
The El Nino ("little boy" in Spanish) that pounded the globe between the summers of 1997 and 1998 was in some measure the most destructive in this century. Worldwide damage estimates exceed £ 20 billion--not to mention the human death toll caused by resulting droughts, floods and bushfires. El Nino and La Nina ( "little girl" ) are part of a seesawing of winds and currents in the equatorial Pacific called ENSO ( El Nino Southern Oscillation) that appears every two to eight years. Normally, westward-blowing trade winds caused by the rotation of the earth and conditions in the Tropics push surface water across the Pacific towards Asia. The warm water piles up along the coasts of Indonesia, Australia and the Philippines, raising sea levels more than a foot above those on the South American side of the Pacific. As El Nino builds the normal east-to-west trade winds wane. Like water splashing in a giant bathtub, the elevated pool of warm wat
A. continuously
B. in a line
C. awfully
D. now and then
Through the years, our view of
what leadership is and who can exercise it has changed considerably. Leadership
competencies have remained constant, but our understanding of what it is, how it
works, and the ways in which people learn to apply it has shifted. We do have
the beginnings of a general theory of leadership, from history and social
research and above all from the thoughts of reflective practitioners such as
Moses, Julius Caesar, and James Madison, and in our own time from such disparate
sources of wisdom as Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Mao Tse-tung, and Henry
Kissinger, who have very little in common except that they have not only been
there but tried with some fairness to speculate on paper about it. But tales and reflective observation are not enough except to convince us that leaders are physically strong and abnorm A. many people have labored to be leaders B. leaders are beyond our understanding C. the essence of leadership has not been grasped D. the definitions of leadership should vary [单项选择]石蜡切片法一般常规切片厚度为
A. 1~2μm B. 6~8μm C. 1μm以下 D. 4~6μm E. 8μm以上 [单选题]事故处理要坚持( )不放过的原则。
A. 二 B. 三 C. 四 D. 五 [报关编码]未包馅或未制作的含蛋生面食
A. 经营租赁方式租入的固定资产 B. 季节性停用的固定资产 C. 正在改扩建固定资产 D. 已提足折旧仍继续使用的固定资产 E. 按照规定单独估价作为固定资产入账的土地 [单选题]作废的操作票,应注明“作废”字样,未执行的应注明“未执行”字样,已操作的应注明“已执行”字样。操作票应保存( )。
A.三个月 B.六个月 C.一年 D.两年 [单项选择]关于评标价格的计算公式错误的是( )。
A. 进口增值税=CIF价格×增值税税率 B. 进口增值税=(CIF价格+进口关税+消费税)×增值税税率 C. 进口关税=CIF价格×进口关税税率 D. 国际运输保险费=CIF价格×国际运输保险费率×货物投保加成系数 [单选题]冬天当天然气中含水量较多时会造成加气机或汽车管路( )。
A.冰堵 B.压力升高 C.流量升高 D.震动 [单项选择]以下市场不属于资本市场的是()。
A. 债券回购市场 B. 中长期借贷市场 C. 股票市场 D. 公司债券市场 [判断题]普通线路换出的钢轨一般应放在道床肩上或路肩上,混凝土枕地段允许临时放在道心。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]反洗钱调查中的临时冻结,对冻结的资金并无任何惩处目的( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于软X线摄影的叙述,错误的是( )
A.A.用钼靶X线机摄影 B.B.用于原子序数较低的软组织 C.C.波长较长的X线产生较大Kx D.D.可获得良好的软组织X线照片 E.E.管电压越低,照片对比度越低 [判断题]顶管施工顶进前,应对所有设备进行检査并试运转确认合格。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )150. 所谓自动控制,就是指在没有人直接参与的情况下,利用外加的设备使被控对象的一个或几个物理量按照预定的要求变化。(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]平波电抗器的作用主要是为了减少整流电流的脉动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]生物安全柜内空气与物体表面的消毒()
A. 灼烧法 B. 压力蒸汽灭菌法 C. 紫外线消毒法 D. 干热灭菌法 E. 过滤除菌法 [单项选择]依据《传染病防治法》,我国法定的传染病共有()
A. 甲、乙、丙三类32种 B. 甲、乙、丙三类34种 C. 甲、乙、丙三类35种 D. 甲、乙、丙三类36种 E. 甲、乙、丙三类37种 [多选题]影响工程项目质量的工程技术环境,指的是()等方面的环境条件。
A.降雨量 B.气象条件 C.水文地质 D.工程地质 E.自然灾害 我来回答: 提交