GLOBAL M & A RESEAR [单选题]风机特性的基本参数是( )。
A.流量、压头、功率、效率、转速 B.流量、压头 C.轴功率、电压、功率因数 D.温度、比容。 [单选题]户籍制度改革是一项复杂的系统工程,面临的情况复杂、需要兼顾的因素多、统筹推进 的难度大。一是我国人口众多、城乡和区域发展差距较大,难以________;二是许多公共服务和 社会福利政策长期与户籍直接挂钩,难以________;三是各类群体发展愿望和利益诉求多元多 样,难以________。
A.平衡 剥离 协调 B.均衡 区分 调和 C.缩小 分开 调解 D.维持 分离 统一 [判断题]对违法行为人的同一个违法行为,不得给予两次以上行政处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]各行社在代理人身保险业务时应按照()的原则,通过系统收集、记录、管理投保客户信息,并将客户信息真实、完整地提交给合作保险公司, 严禁伪造、篡改或拒不提供客户信息。
A.自愿 B.合法 C.合理 D.安全 E.保密 [简答题]对试验检测人员的基本要求是什么?
[单项选择]The Faculty and Staff at Willington Middle School
warmly invite you to attend our annual Honors Dinner on Thursday, May 17, 2007 in the school cafeteria on the main campus. A meal will be served at 7:00 p.m. The cost of the meal is $ 4.50 per person. Please respond with the number of family members attending by Saturday, May 5th. We look forward to seeing you there. Why do they need for you to tell them how many are coming A. They need to know how many people to invite. B. They need to know how much food to prepare. C. They need to know how many children are to be honored. D. They need to know who are coming. [单项选择]险位超赔分保是以()的赔款金额为基础来确定分出公司和分入公司责任限额的。
A. 每一风险 B. 每一危险单位 C. 每一保险标的 D. 每一风险事故 [单选题]720. 表明从热媒入口至出口的采暖管道、散热设备、主要附件的空间位置和相互关系的图是( )。
A. 采暖系统图 B. 采暖平面图 C. 采暖施工图 D. 采暖标准图 [单项选择]
Everyone is pursuing the great happiness, but have we ever asked ourselves what the real happiness is There are many myths about happiness, If you want to be a truly happy person, take charge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalent myths. At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels; and to resolve abstract equations quickly. This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence as the true measures of serf-fulfillment. It encourages a kind of intellectual prejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline is "intelligent". Yet mental hospitals are filled with patients who have all of the properly lettered certificates. A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived e [单选题]拍头爬泳腿部动作主要是起到( ),保持身体流线型。
A.维持身体平衡作用 B.保持身体水平 C.推进身体 D.控制方向 [判断题]无线调车灯显设备正常使用时停用手信号,对灯显以外的作业指令采用通话方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]伪造第五套人民币水印,主要是在纸张()印刷的。
[判断题](47273)( )线路上换出的钢轨一般应放在道床肩上或路肩上,木枕地段允许临时放在道心。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]信息系统的基本条件中规定,业务系统上线前,应在具有资质的测试机构进行( ),并取得检测合格报告。
A.功能测试 B.安全测试 C.兼容性测试 D.用户确认测试 [单选题]报站无效应急处理中涉及到的空开( )。
A. 西藏登山学校发现的 B. 位于珠峰西北侧山脊 C. 登山运动员很难通过 D. 是世界上最高的地方 [单项选择]我国肝癌协作病理组诊断小肝癌,单个癌结节最大直径的标准是()
A. ≤1.5cm B. ≤2.0cm C. ≤2.5cm D. ≤3.0cm E. ≤5.0cm [单项选择]What can be inferred by the phrase" Legend has it" in line 1
A. The story of the train may not be completely factual. B. Most history books include the story of the train. C. The driver of the train invented the story. D. The story of the train is similar to other ones from that time period. [多选题]79. 行政执法机关之间发生争议协商不成的,下列哪些选项的处理是正确的?
A.提请本级政府法制工作部门协调 B.提请共同的上一级人民政府法制工作部门协调 C.提请上级人民政府协调 D.不能协调一致的,由法制工作部门提出意见,报本级人民政府决定 我来回答: 提交