The business of advertising is to
invent methods of addressing massive audiences in a language designed to be
easily accessible and immediately persuasive. No advertising agency wants to
(51) out an ad that is not clear and convincing to millions of people. But
the agency, (52) they would agree that ads should be written to sell
products, disagree when it (53) down to the most effective methods of
doing so. (54) the years, advertising firms have developed among
themselves a variety of distinctive styles (55) on their understanding of
the different kinds of audiences they want to reach. No two agencies would
handle the (56) product identically. To people (57) whom
advertising is an exacting discipline and a highly competitive profession, an ad
is (58) more than a sophisticated sales pitch, an att A. basing B. depended C. based D. decided [判断题]警察是一支重要的具有武装性质的行政力量。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道床纵向阻力值与()关系最为显著。
A.道床断面形状 B.道床的脏污程度 C.粒径级配 D.道床的密实程度 [判断题]隔离开关可以拉合无故障的电压互感器和避雷器。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《公司法》的规定,股东大会、董事会的会议召集程序、表决方式违反法律、行政法规或公司章程,或决议内容违反公司章程的,股东可以自决议作出之日起( )内,请求人民法院撤销。
A. 10日 B. 30日 C. 60日 D. 90日 [单选题]下列读音全部正确的一项是( )。
A.两鬓(bìn)风霜一蓑(suō)烟雨白叟(sǒu)黄童秦岭云横(héng) B.笠翁(wēng)对韵声律启蒙(méng)龙文鞭影(yǐng)哺(pǔ)育成长 C.漫漫朔(shuò)雪结(jié)草衔环竹篱茅舍(shè)峰峦(ruán)叠翠 D.叆叇(dài)菡萏(dàn)踟蹰(chù)怙恶不悛(quān) [多选题]二级行车指挥包括( )
A.各生产中心调度 B.信号楼值班员 C.行车值班员 D.车场调度员 [填空题]马远与李唐、刘松年、夏圭并称“( )”
A.交感神经低级中枢位于T1~L3灰质侧角 B.副交感神经低级中枢位于脑干副交感核,脊髓S2~S4副交感核 C.交感神经节前纤维短,节后纤维长 D.副交感神经节前纤维短,节后纤维长 E.交感神经较为广泛 [单选题]少量食盐有加强醋酸( )的作用。
A.酸味 B.甜味 C.苦味 D.咸味 [多选题]道路横断面图是沿道路中心线垂直方向的断面图,其包括( )。
A.道路路面结构图 B.路线标准横断面图 C.竖向设计图 D.路基一般设计图 E.特殊路基设计图 [单选题]除车票外,还可以持铁路乘车证和<___>乘车。( )
A.车站书面证明 B.客运记录 C.列车书面证明 D.特种乘车证 我来回答: 提交