We were in the middle of an argument.My mother
wanted me to wear a certain saree(莎丽)for my cousin’s wedding.I neither wanted to
wear the chosen saree nor was I interested in the wedding.She walked away in
anger murmuring something about the present generations’stubborn ways.We finally
worked out a compromise.I wore what I wanted to but I did end up going to the
wedding. I can’t help looking back on that incident with a trace of amusement.In a way, it stood for that swange relationship between a grown daughter and her middle-aged mother.After years of growing up on her values and following in her footsteps, I was finally struggling to insist on my A. is ofthe most stubborn type B. is devotedly attached to her daughter C. gets angry with other people easily D. is a very capable and determined woman [判断题]安全生产标准化企业应按规定对项目建议书、可行性研究、初步设计、总体开工方案、开工前安全条件确认和竣工验收等阶段进行规范管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下毒性表现均为苯的代谢产物酚类所致,除了
A. 直接抑制造血细胞的核分裂 B. 对骨髓细胞中巯基起作用,导致谷胱甘肽代谢障碍 C. 抑制白细胞中DNA合成,导致染色体畸变 D. 红细胞破裂、产生溶血作用 E. 形成具有自身抗原性质的变性蛋白,使白细胞凝集和破坏 [单项选择]变压器油中溶解气体监测装置的最小检测周期应不大于()。
A. 1小时 B. 2小时 C. 3小时 D. 4小时 [填空题]共青团中央办公厅教育部办公厅关于转发《中华全国学生联合会关于加强和改进高校学生会研宄生会建设的指导意见》中青办联发[2014]3号的通知中,要求高校学生会组织开展“()”主题群众性健身活动,积极倡导和组织课外体育锻炼,帮助同学形成健康体魄、培育团队意识和拼搏精神。
A.锁板 B.勾锁器 C.闭止把加锁 D.带柄标志加锁 [简答题] (每道小题有一项或一项以上的正确答案。) 已知2006年和2009年某地区三次产业占国内生产总值的比重,如表2—6所示。 表2-6