After SABMiller lost a bidding war for
China’s Harbin Brewery Group to Anheuser-Busch Coso two years ago, it looked as
if America’s King of Beers would reign over the Middle Kingdom as well.
Anheuser-Busch, after all, had already sealed a deal with China’s leading
brewery, Tsingtao, and with Harbin in its stable it looked unbeatable. But SABMiller had a Plan B that could well give it the throne after all. Since losing Harbin, London-based SAB has focused its energies on a 12-year-old joint venture, China Resources Snow Breweries Ltd., that is now thriving. In June, CR Snow, which includes 46 breweries across the country, surpassed longtime leader Tsingtao for the No. 1 spot. For the 12 months through June, CR Snow produced nearly 40 million barrels, vs. 37 million for Tsingtao. As a result, CR Snow boasts 14.9% of the Chinese market, compared with Ts A. (A) The bidding war between SABMiller and Anheuser-Busch Cos. B. (B) China has overtaken the U. S as the top beer market. C. (C) How SABMiller beats Anheuser in global markets. D. (D) The success of SABMiller in China. [单选题]轨道交通网络形成后的规模效应使客流总量总体呈( )趋势。
A.A.缓慢上升 B.B.快速下降 C.C.快速上升 D.D.缓慢下降 [单选题]大气数据基准系统主要计算来自大气参数的
A.速度和位置信息 B.姿态和高度信息 C.速度和高度信息 D.以上全对 [判断题]《安规》第3.2.3条本线不封锁时,邻线来车速度vmax≤60km时,本线可不下道。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下属于CC机柜里设备的有( )
A.数字加速度计 B.模拟加速度计 C.TOD D.MR [判断题]政府征收高额关税有助于本国厂商抵御外国厂商的竞争。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]将水肿分为阴水、阳水的是()
A. 《内经》 B. 《金匮要略》 C. 《丹溪心法》 D. 《东垣十书》 E. 《诸病源候论》 [单选题]通货膨胀的主要标志是()。
A.货币需要量增加 B.物价持续,上涨 C.货币发行量增加 D.货币供应量增加 [单选题]使用海伦灭火器时,喷嘴离火源约为( )米。→(客舱乘务员手册/应急设备/4.4.2)
A.8—10 B.9—11 C.2 [单项选择]
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