Experts predict that China’s healthcare
market will have an annual growth of 6 to 8 percent in the next few years,
making it one of the potentially most prosperous. In Shanghai, annual medical
expenditure is estimated to be 16 billion yuan (U. S. 93 billion). With an
increasingly (31) population, the growing consumption power
and longer life (32) of local residents, the medical market
has great opportunities. However l limited medical resources cannot meet people’s needs (33) financial deficits in State-owned hospitals. (34) , there is room for a range of different medical organizations. As is the case with many State-owned enterprises, public hospitals in the past half century have learned a lot of bad habits: (35) management, over-staffing and bureaucratic operating procedures. Being a member of A. Statistic B. Statistics C. Statistician D. Stator [单选题]调测完成后,编写相关的竣工资料,向客户提交什么资料?
A.调测报告 B.验收测试记录 C.初验申请报告 D.开通测试记录 [单选题]前台柜员办理现金存款取消采用()模式;现金柜员办理现金收款取消采用()模式。
A.前台受理后台处理,前台受理后台处理 B.前台分散处理,前台分散处理 C.前台受理后台处理,前台分散处理 D.前台分散处理,前台受理后台处理 [单项选择]关于骨折后急救固定的目的,下列哪项是错误的
A. 防止在搬运时更多地损伤软组织 B. 可以止痛 C. 便于运输 D. 防止断端更多移位 E. 便于病人进行早期功能锻炼 [单选题]成语“举一反三"。 “触类旁通”所说的学习迁移均属于( )。
A.水平迁移 B.垂直迁移 C.负迁移 D.逆向迁移 [单选题]中国民间传说《白蛇传》被列入“第一批国家级非物质文化遗产”,是中国四大民间爱情传说之一。其中“水漫金山”的故事发生在____。
A.浙江杭州 B.江苏南京 C.江苏镇江 D.江苏苏州 [单选题]凡进入防护栅栏内的设备检查、整修作业,必须在天窗内进行,并严格执行()制度。
A.作业 B.规章 C.登、销记 D.防护 [单选题]MP3是目前最流行的数字音乐压缩编码格式之一,其命名中“MP”是指(请作答此空),“3”是指( )。 player B.multiple parts player D.MPEG-1 Audio [填空题]风险抵押金交纳总额上限( )万元( )。
[判断题]( )配电线路所用的瓷横担具有绝缘水平高、耐雷水平高、造价低可兼做横担和绝缘子等优点。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]胃食管反流经内科治疗4周无效者,可考虑手术治疗。( )
Cancer Drug Trials Often Halted Early
An increasing number of clinical trials for new cancer treatments are being halted before the risks and benefits have been fully evaluated,say Italian researchers,who warn that this growing trend could put patients at risk of harm from new therapies rushed into use. The researchers looked at 25 randomized,controlled clinical trials that were stopped ear-ly because the treatments had started to show benefit to patients. “When we analyzed 25 trials over a 10-year period between 1997 and 2007,we found a consistent increase in prematurely stopped trials一more than 50 percent were stopped within the last three years,”study co-author Giovanni Apolone said at a news conference Tuesday. Of 14 trials halted early and published between 2005 and 2007,the researchers found that 11(79 percent)of them were used to support drug approval applications submitted to the European Medicines Agency and the U.S.Food and Drug Administration. “This suggests a strong commercial component in stopping trials prematurely.In fact, this strategy could guarantee quicker access to the market for companies.On the other hand, a quicker clinical drug development may lead to an ‘immature’benefit/risk balance of new drugs,”Apolone said. He and his colleagues“are aware that trials stopped early because they are showing ben-efit may result in identification of promising new treatments for patients.However,findings obtained following this strategy should be considered to be preliminary results that require subsequent confirmation.” It can take several years for the long-term benefits or harmful side effects of a new treat-ment to become apparent, Apolone noted, but the average duration(持续时间)of the 25 studies he and his colleagues analyzed was 30 months,with a range from 12 to 64 months. They also found that at the time five of the studies were stopped,they'd enrolled less than 40 percent of the total number of patients planned for final analysis. “Clinical trials need to stop early for superior benefit whenever there's proof beyond rea- sonable doubt that the new treatment really is superior.That would be an ethical obligation,” Stuart Pocock,a professor of medical statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropi-cal Medicine in the United Kingdom,said at the news conference.“However,too many trials are stopped early claiming efficacy(功效)without strong evidence being available.” Some of the trials were too short to show their long-term effects. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [单项选择]当工程总报价确定后,通过调整工程量清单内某些项目的单价,使其不影响中标,但又能在结算时获得较好的经济效益的投标报价技巧称为()。
A. 多方案报价法 B. 不平衡报价法 C. 先亏后盈法 D. 内部协调法 [判断题]单相电能表脉冲正常有功为正向时,表示接线一定正确。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](47233)( )道岔转辙部分的轨撑是防止基本轨的倾覆、扭转和纵向移动的支撑件,安装在基本轨外侧。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述96年11月1日中国沿海内河船舶保险条款里一切险里关于共同海损,施救和救助的规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在汽车电控系统中,电子点火控制器接受由___输出的指令信号。
A.电子控制单元 B.传感器 C.控制开关 D.驾驶员 [多选题] 银行业金融机构应当根据《银行业金融机构从业人员处罚信息管理办法》的相关要求,将本机构从业人员受( )、( )、( )、( )和( )等惩戒措施情况,根据属地监管原则分别向银行业监督管理机构及其派出机构报送相关信息。
A.刑事处罚 B.行政处罚 C.纪律处分 D.职位处分 E.经济处理 [多选题]下列关于消防员隔热防护服的维护保养要求,正确的是( )。
A.灭火或训练后,应及时清洗、擦净、晾干。 B.隔热层和外层可以一起清洗。 C.清洗时不能使用硬刷或用强碱,以免影响防水性能。 D.晾干时不能在加热设备上烘烤。若使用中受到灼烧,应检查各部位是否损坏。如无损坏,可继续使用。 E.应贮存在干燥、通风的仓库中。 [单项选择]若有下面的说明和定义,则sizeof(struct aa)的值是 struct aa { int rl;double r2;float r3; union uu{char u1[5];long u2[2];}ua; } mya;
A. 30 B. 29 C. 24 D. 22 我来回答: 提交