You have studied hard, and the day has
(21) come when you must write your exam. Try to arrive a few
minutes before the (22) starts. Avoid talking to other
students, especially those (23) are doing some last minute
cramming. These people will make you nervous and (24) your
concentration. If you can, choose a seat that allows you to (25) . Try to sit away from the (26) to the room so you are not (27) by students leaving before you are finished. Listen (28) to any verbal instructions from the teacher or any (29) written on the board. Here are five A. students B. concentration C. problems D. questions [单选题]1989年,团中央.中国青少年发展基金会实施的救助贫困地区失学少年儿童的( )等活动,在全社会进一步弘扬了扶危济困的美德。
A.希望工程 B.春蕾计划 C.救孤计划 D.温暖工程 [判断题]作业人员作业中不准接打(玩)手机,禁止佩戴、使用耳机。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]链传动中,链的下垂度以0.2L为宜。
[多选题]下列财务效益预测与评估的指标中,考虑了资金的时间价值的有( )
A.投资利润率 B.净现值 C.贷款偿还期 D.财务内部收益率 [判断题]应用萃取分离法萃取的对象是被测组分这样仅起到了被测组分与干扰组分的分离。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]【4】 是数据库设计的核心。
[多选题]以下哪些作业属于栅栏维修项目内容?( )
A.修补破损网片 B.整修歪斜栅栏 C.加固立柱基础 D.紧固或更换联结部件 [单选题]根据《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》,禁止使用( )明令淘汰和已经报废的特种设备。
A.国家 B. 地方 C. 企业 D 规范 [单项选择]患者女,25岁。已婚,停经45日,恶心、呕吐1周来院就诊。妇科检查:子宫较正常稍大、软、宫颈着色。最有价值的辅助检查是()
A. 黄体酮试验 B. 尿妊娠试验 C. 基础体温测定 D. 宫颈黏液检查 E. 阴道脱落细胞检查 [多选题]有下列行为( )之一的,给予警告至记过处分;造成不良后果的,给予记大过至降级处分;造成严重后果的,给予撤职至开除处分。
A.未按规定加配钞、装箱或回钞清点的 B.未按规定办理现金存取业务的 C.未按规定办理代理业务的 D.未按规定盘库或查库的 [判断题]在日常生产中,数据的重现性指的是同一化验室所测定的结果的重复程度。
[判断题]按照电机的结构或转速分,可分为变压器和发电机。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中秋节那天月亮升起的时刻是( )
A.日落时 B.子夜 C.中午 D.日出前2小时 [填空题] The evolution of artificial intelligence is now proceeding so rapidly that 【26】 the end of the century cheap computers 【27】 larger than portable typewriters will 【28】 that will be able to solve almost any 【29】 faster and more efficiently than we can. "Intelligence" in a machine, 【30】 in a human, is best 【31】 as the ability to solve complex problems swiftly. This 【32】 involve medical analysis and prescriptions, 【33】 legal matters ― 【34】 short, replacing the profession of lawyers completely ― or in 【35】 war-games: in other words 【36】 governments whether 【37】 not to go to war. 【38】 computers have already intensified the deadlines of weapons, the prospect for the future is that they will 【39】 the more beneficial role of preventing wars. 【40】 asked to estimate the chances of victory, the computer will analyze facts 【41】 from the life-long military expert with his optimistic sense and military enthusiasm.
When the same figures are fed into the emotionless machine each to be weighed
A. A.must B.might C.may D.will [多选题]现场作业有可能从低压侧向高压侧反送电的()内有可能反送电的各分支线
A.电气设备 B.设备 C.工作地段 D.工作地点 [单选题] 消防人员在有毒区域进行侦察、排险、灭火等行动时,应以( )为单位,不可单独行动。(易)
A. 2~3人 B. 分队 C. 班 D. 小组 [单项选择]人乳中免疫球蛋白含量最丰富的是()
A. 初乳 B. 过渡乳 C. 成熟乳 D. 晚乳 E. 全程乳 [单选题]以下可能不会产生操作过电压的操作有( )?
A.切除空载线路 B.空载线路充电 C.切除空载变压器 D.空载变压器充电 [单选题]室间隔缺损
A.X线胸片显示右心房右心室肥大,肺野充血,肺动脉段突出,主动脉结较小 B.X线胸片显示右心房右心室肥大,肺野清晰,肺动脉段突出,主动脉结正常 C.X线胸片显示右心房右心室肥大,肺野清晰,肺动脉段凹陷,主动脉结增大 D.X线胸片显示左心房左心室肥大,肺野充血,肺动脉段突出,主动脉结增大 E.X线胸片显示左心房左心室肥大,肺野充血,肺动脉段突出,主动脉结较小 我来回答: 提交