In January 1995, the world witnessed
the emergence of a new international economic order with the launching of the
World Trade Organization. The WTO, which succeeds the GAIT, is expected to
strengthen the world trading system and to be more effective than the GATT in
governing international trade in goods and services in many aspects. First, trade liberalization all over the world is expected to increase via the dramatic reductions in wade barriers to which the members of the WTO are committed. Under the WTO, members are required to reduce their tariff and non-tariffs on manufacturing goods. In addition, protecting domestic agricultural sectors from foreign competition will become awfully difficult in the new WTO system. Second, rules and regulations governing international trade will be more strongly enforced. Unde A. under GATT some measures can not be effectively enforced. B. under GATT, the intellectual property right cannot be properly protected. C. it is not easy for a country to get absorbed by WTO. D. WTO cannot change the structure of world economy totally. [判断题]装车后登记货运票据移交簿,将运单送交内勤核算制票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]是网络上提供虚拟存储的一种服务方式,可以根据实际存储容量来支付费用是()
A. PaaS B. IaaS C. SaaS [单选题]职业纪律是从事这一职业的员工应该共同遵守的行为准则,它包括的内容有( )。
A.交往规则 B.操作程序 C.群众观念 D.外事纪律 [判断题]830.高空作业的要点是防止坠落和砸伤,操作时不准往下或者往上抛材料、工具等物体。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]模板支撑系统在使用过程中,立柱底部不得松动悬空,不得
( )。 A.任意拆除任何杆件 B.松动扣件 C.用作缆风绳的拉接 D.设置扫地杆 E.加设垫板 [单选题]列车在出发前按规定对列车自动制动机进行试验,在制动保压状态下列车制动主管的压力1 min内漏泄不得超过( ),确认列尾装置作用良好。
A.10 kPa B.15 kPa C.20 kPa D.30 kPa [判断题]根据德国慕尼黑伊福经济研究所近日公布的数据,德国2013年贸易顺差额达2000亿欧元(约合2717亿美元),相当于德国当年国内生产总值的7.3%,成为世界最大贸易顺差国。排在第二和第三位的分别为中国和印度。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述体育文化所表现特征有哪些?
[多选题]防止螺纹连接松动的方法有( )种。
A. 串联铁丝、点铆、顶丝 B. 使用带止退垫圈的螺母 C. 热紧螺栓 D. 定期预紧螺母 E. 破坏螺纹 [多选题]开关柜手车推入或拉出操作卡涩,如何检查?(____)
A.检查操作步骤是否正确 B.检查手车是否歪斜 C.检查操作轨道有无变形、异物 D.检查电气闭锁或机械闭锁有无异常 [多项选择]在Diff-Serv域中,常用的有关联的组件有()。
A. 逐跳的信令协议 B. PHB C. RSVP D. DSCP [单项选择]
2014年9月1日,我国扩大启运港退税政策试点。启运港退税,作为出口退税管理模式的创新,将出口退税时间点提前到货物起运,企业享受出口退税更加及时。在其他条件不变的情况下,我国扩大启运港退税能() A. ①③ B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ②④ 我来回答: 提交