Nothing was going right for Dr. Turner
at the hospital. He made a mistake while operating on a patient. He felt sure he
was no longer trusted and decided to change his job. One day he learned from the
paper that a doctor was looking for a partner. The doctor, whose name was
Johnson, lived in Thorby, a small town in the north of England. A few days later Dr. Turner went to Thorby, and arrived at Dr. Johnson’s home early in the afternoon. Though old and a little deaf (聋的), Dr. Johnson still had a good brain. He kept talking to the visitor about the town and its people. When they turned to the question of partnership, it was already seven in the evening. Dr. Johnson invited Dr. Turner to have dinner with him in a restaurant before catching the train back to London. Dr. Turner noticed that Dr. John son was fond of good food and expens A. it demanded too great skills B. he had never been trusted C. he thought the hospital would like him to leave D. he believed it offered little hope for his future because of a mistake he had made [多项选择]下列关于保留价规则的含义,表述不正确的是()。
A. 保留价指拍卖人据以确认拍卖成交的最高价格 B. 在有保留价的拍卖中,须事先确定的保留价以具体的价格表示的保留价 C. 保留价一经确定,不得随意改变 D. 保留价是拍卖的必备条件 E. 保留价并非表面上所体现的价格,而是一种权利义务的制衡点 [单选题]将“和谐”写入党的基本路线中的是在
A.党的十三大 B.党的十四大 C.党的十五大 D.党的十七大 [判断题]护木螺栓顶端不应超过基本轨顶面 25mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]ITS
[填空题]In 1992, Stella Liebeck ordered a cup of coffee from McDonald’s and accidentally spilt it on (11) . She suffered third degree burns and had to stay in the hospital for a long time. The burns were quite severe and it cost her $ 20,000 in (12) expenses.
Stella asked McDonald’s to pay for the medical expenses but McDonald’s (13) to pay. So Stella took them to court. Stella argued that the coffee was too hot. McDonald’s claimed that people like their coffee hot and that the best flavor comes when coffee is (14) to 80 degrees Celsius. The court ruled in favor of Stella Liebeck and ordered McDonald’s to pay her $ 2.9 million dollars. Many people were (15) that she won so much money for spilling coffee on herself. [判断题]用户可以根据Excel自带的宏语言,自行编写和开发自身管理需要的应用系统,有效运用和扩大Excel的功能。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲死后留有房屋一间和存款若干,法定继承人为其子乙。甲生前立有遗嘱,将其存款赠予侄女丙。乙和丙被告知3个月后参与甲的遗产分割,但直到遗产分割时,乙与丙均未作出是否接受遗产的意思表示。下列说法哪一个是正确的?
A. 乙、丙视为放弃接受遗产 B. 乙视为接受继承,丙视为放弃接受遗赠 C. 乙视为放弃继承,丙视为接受遗赠 D. 乙、丙均应视为接受遗产 [判断题]NJ2型机车燃油加热器是一个小型的管壳式热交换器,它利用润滑油保温柴油机燃油。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用接地试灯分别触车体,二灯均亮,为()电路有两点接地。
A. A、照明 B.B、主 C.C、控制 [单选题]抗精神失常药氯丙嗪俗称
A.冬眠灵 B.非那根 C.胃复安 D.必嗽平 E.止呕灵 [单选题]为了防止A、B两系统相互串油,应如何操作停留刹车?
A.使用同一液压源去设定或解除停留刹车 B.使用备用液压系统去设定和解除停留刹车 C.拔出停留刹车关断活门跳开关 D.放掉液压油箱的气压 [判断题]爆炸物品不准和其他类物品同贮,必须单独隔离限量贮存。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列行为中,构成丢失枪支不报罪的是( )。
A.甲不慎将自己的公务配枪丢失后,在长达1年的时间内隐瞒不报 B.乙将自己的公务配枪借给王某后,被王某遗失 C.丙将自己的公务配枪放在家中被盗,丙1年后才发现,害怕被处理而隐瞒不报 D.丁的公务配枪被欧某盗走,丁隐瞒不报,欧某使用盗窃的枪支连续进行抢劫后被抓获 [单选题]调度所调度交换机数字环环头、环尾人工切换试验属于( )检修项目。
A.季 B.半年 C.年 D.月 [单项选择]某代理人超越了授权范围进行了代理行为,事后才获得被代理人的同意,则此代理行为应认定为( )。
A. 不具有法律效力 B. 有效代理行为 C. 无权代理行为 D. 无效代理行为 [单选题]党风廉政建设责任制规定,单独受到责令辞职、免职处理的领导干部,()内不得重新担任与其原任职务相当的领导职务;受到降职处理的,()内不得提升职务。
A.半年,一年 B.一年,二年 C.二年,三年 D.一年,一年半 [简答题]“2010中国长沙环湘江自行车邀请赛”的主题是什么?
Your Bills — 6 Ways to Keep More Cash{{/B}}
Like a lot of hardworking couples, Ilah and Dennis Hardesty of Long Beach, California, live paycheck to paycheck. Their $1,200 monthly rent eats up about half of Dennis’s take-home pay as a manager for a racing car engine manufacturer. Private school tuition for their three teens takes another $400 bite. Income from Ilah’s two part-time jobs — as a fitness trainer and school secretary—disappears at the gas station and the grocery store. The bottom line Even with no car payments and just $300 in credit card debt, the family barely gets by. "We don’t have a penny in savings", says Ilah. "No, I actually do have one cent in my account". With inflation outpacing wage growth in recent years, it’s not hard to find families like the Hardestys running out of money before they run out of month. According to the nonpartisan ( [多项选择]建设项目质量管理的八项原则中,领导作用表现在( )。
A. 领导的态度决定建设项目质量管理体系的成败 B. 领导确定各参与方在质量管理体系内的职责和权限 C. 领导决定资源的配置和管理 D. 领导制定并保持质量方针和目标 E. 领导确定质量管理的内容 [单选题]因故间断电气工作连续( )个月以上者,应重新学习本规程,并经考试合格后,方能恢复工作。
A.2 B.3 C.6 D.1 [单项选择]Emma only moved house last week and she () knows her neighbors!
A. already B. still C. always D. yet [单项选择]心脏形成的关键时期是
A. 胚胎发育1~2周 B. 胚胎发育2~8周 C. 孕前3个月 D. 孕后3个月 E. 怀孕中期 [多项选择]任何公民,非经()并由公安机关执行,不受逮捕。
A. 人民检察院批准或者决定 B. 人民法院决定 C. 公安机关批准 D. 国家安全机关批准 [多选题]一级防护标准为( )。
A.、全身 B.内置式重型防化服 C.全棉防静电内外衣 D.封闭式防化服 E.正压式空气呼吸器或全防型滤毒罐 [单选题]飞机上烟雾探测与火警探测的不同点在于:
A.烟雾探测的温度比火警探测的温度高; B.烟雾探测是根据烟雾的浓度输出为探测信号,火警是据温升和温度输出火警信号; C.烟雾探测是据光线的明暗,输出信号。 [单项选择]在客户端发现ONU的LINK灯亮,AUTH灯不亮,则说明()。
A. ONU无法注册到OLT,原因一般为下行输入的数据不正确,检查OLT数据配置及输入光功率是否正常。 B. ONU没有收到光,应检查光纤是否连接正常,光功率是否在正常范围内 C. ONU与客户电脑连接有问题,应检查ONU连接客户的网线 D. 客户电脑有问题,应检查客户电脑 [单选题]一个“掌上电力2019”官方版的账号最多可以绑定( )个户号。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 D. 7 [单项选择]女性,32岁,乏力伴双上眼睑暗紫红色斑疹3个月余,伴双上肢肌肉疼痛,最可能的诊断是()
A. 系统性红斑狼疮 B. 类风湿关节炎 C. 风湿性多肌痛 D. 皮肌炎 E. 重症肌无力 [单项选择]复方磺胺嘧啶片( )
A. 溴量法 B. 双波长分光光度法 C. 双相滴定法 D. 两步滴定法 E. 三点校正的紫外分光光度法 我来回答: 提交