In the 1960s, many young Americans were
dissatisfied with American society. They wanted to end the Vietnam War and to
make all the people in the U.S. equal. Some of them de tided to "drop out" of
American society and form their own societies. They formed utopian communities,
which they called "communes", where they could follow their philosophy of "do
your own thing". A group of artists founded a commune in southern Colorado
called "Drop City". Following the ideas of philosopher and architect Buckminster
Fuller, they built dome- shaped house from pieces of old cars. Other groups,
such as author Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters, the followers of San Francisco poet
Steve Gaskin, and a group that called itself the Hog Farm, lived in old school
buses and travelled around the United States. The Hog Farm became famous when
they helped organiz A. Paolo Soleri. B. B. F. Skinner. C. Steve Gaskin. D. Buckminster Fuller. [判断题]光缆布放宜盘留,预留长度宜为3-5m
[多项选择]“建筑工程一切险”承担保险责任的范围包括( )。
A. 错误设计引起的费用 B. 火灾 C. 工人恶意行为造成的事故 D. 技术人员过失造成的事故 E. 盗窃 [单项选择]铝热焊预热可以消除模具中残余(),提高钢轨及模具的温度。
A. 气体 B. 熔渣 C. 湿气 D. 应力 [单选题]右旋糖酐作用机制为
A.提高血浆胶体渗透压、增加血浆容量和维持血压 B.降低血中钙离子浓度 C.促进纤维蛋白溶解 D.阻碍凝血因子的合成 E.激活纤溶酶 [多项选择]其他支出是指村组织与经营管理没有直接关系的各项支出,包括()。
A. 公益性固定资产的折旧费 B. 利息支出 C. 农业资产死亡毁损支出 D. 购建固定资产和无形资产的支出 [多选题]以下那些属于2号线空调制冷系统配件()。
A.干燥过滤器 B.视液镜 C.第二级高压压力开关 D.电子膨胀阀 [判断题] 在系统正常运行时三相对称,零序分量电流为 0。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]载货清单(M/F)
A.翘起 B.下沉 C.摆动 D.旋转 E.脱位 [单项选择]麻疹出疹的特点是()
A. 发热1-2天出疹,出疹后体温高 B. 发热1-2天,热退后出疹 C. 发热2-3天出疹,出疹同时有发热 D. 发热3-4天出疹,出疹同时体温升高 E. 发热3-4天热退后出疹 [单项选择]方药配伍体现“以泻代清”特点的方剂是()。
A. 大承气汤 B. 小承气汤 C. 调胃承气汤 D. 凉膈散 E. 导赤散 [多选题]设备隐患管理中的隐患类型有()。
A.超高树木 B.电缆隐患 C.违章建房、违章施工 D.地质(边坡)隐患、山火隐患 我来回答: 提交