One of the most eminent of
psychologists, Clark Hull, claimed that the essence of reasoning lies in the
putting together of two ’behavior segments’ in some novel way, never actually
performed before, so as to reach a goal. Two followers of Clark Hull, Howard and
Tracey Kendler, (21) a test for children that was explicitly
based on Clark Hull’s principles. The children were given the (22)
of learning to operate a machine so as to get a toy. In order to
succeed they had to go through a two-stage (23) . The
children were trained on each stage (24) . The stages
consisted merely of pressing the correct one of two buttons to get a marble; and
o A. Given B. Appointed C. Furnished D. Distributed [单选题]水痘患者抗病毒治疗的首选药物为 (1分.)
A.青霉素 B.头孢类 C.阿昔洛韦 D.利巴韦林 E.更昔洛韦 [单选题]因工作原因需短时移动或拆除遮栏(围栏)、标示牌时,应( )。完毕后应立即恢复。
A.有人监护 B.做好记录 C.获得批准 D.告知工作许可人 [多选题] 【考核点:0108040101011;题型:多选题;难度:难;类型:专业】
控制系统按设定值分类可分为( )。 A.定值控制系统; B.随动控制系统; C.程序控制系统; D.开环控制系统; [判断题]自然油循环风冷冷却装置由两路电源供电,分别为电源I和电源II,两路电源可互为备用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当r=0.9时,下列说法正确的是()
A. 其线性程度是r=0.45时的两倍 B. 90%的点都高度相关 C. 90%的点都集中在一条直线的周围 D. 两变量呈高度正相关关系 [判断题]转向器按结构形式分为齿轮齿条式转向器、循环球式转向器和蜗杆曲柄指销式转向器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下肾损伤的临床表现,不正确的是()
A. 休克 B. 尿痛 C. 血尿 D. 伤侧腰部或上腹部疼痛,腰部肿块 E. 合并损伤 [单选题]作业时,起重机应置于平坦、坚实的地面上,机身倾斜度不准超过制造厂的规定。
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ [单选题] 公安机关做好新时代的公安工作,切实担负起做新时代中国特色社会主义事业建设者、捍卫者的职责使命,必须坚持的初心和使命是( )
A. 立党为公执政为民 B. 全心全意为人民服务 C. 人民公安为人民 D. 立警为公执法为民 [填空题]在安全生产责任管理制度中,最基本、最核心的制度是( )。
[简答题]In Plato’s Utopia, here are three classes: the common people, the soldiers, and the guardians chosen by the legislator. The main problem, as Plato perceives, is to insure that the guardians shall carry out the intention of the legislator. For this purpose the first thing he proposes is education.
Education is divided into two parts, music and gymnastics. (46)Each has a wider meaning than at present: “music” means everything that is in the province of the muses, and “gymnastics” means everything concerned with physical training fitness. “Music” is almost as wide as what is now called “culture”, and “gymnastics” is somewhat wider than what “athletics” mean in the modern sense. Culture is to be devoted to making men gentlemen, in the sense which, largely owing to Plato, is familiar in England. The Athens of his day was, in one respect, analogous to England in the nineteenth century: (47) there was in each an aristocracy enjoying wealth and social prestige, but having n 我来回答: 提交