Today, we have the longest peacetime
expansion in our history. After years and years of deficits, we now have budget
surpluses for years ahead. More people have a chance to realize the American
Dream than ever before. More children have a chance to realize their full
potential than ever before. We’ve laid a foundation to preserve our
prosperity for future generations. Now, as the budget deadline rapidly approaches this year, we face many of the same tough choices again. And once again, I think the answer is clear: To build a strong nation in the new century, we must continue to invest in our future. That means we must strengthen social security, secure and modernize medicare, and pay off the national debt in fifteen years, making America debt-free for the first time since 1835. And once again, it means we must invest in education, not sacrifice it. A. Fifty-thousand students could be turned away from after-school programs. B. Budget deficits will increase. C. Education funding may be cut by 50 percent over a ten-year period. D. The national debt may be paid off. [单项选择]主AC汇流条失效时有什么现象?
A. 电瓶充电失效灯亮。 B. AC RESET 灯亮。 C. 汇流不会被供电。 D. 以上都是。 [单项选择]患者,女,因子宫肌瘤而行阴式全子宫切除术,术后留置导尿24h后拔除,患者自觉阴道有流液最常见的可能诊断是:()
A. 尿瘘 B. 尿失禁 C. 阴道炎 [判断题] 遇水能起反应的危险品(如电石等)禁止雨天装卸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]富含单不饱和脂肪酸的是()
A. 橄榄油 B. 花生油 C. 紫苏油 D. 大豆油 E. 椰子油 [判断题]建立并及时调整洗钱风险管理组织架构,明确反洗钱管理部门、业务部门及其他部门在洗钱风险管理中的职责分工和协调机制是董事会的职责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全绳左右移动距离不得大于() m。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [多选题]生化洗消装置可以洗消( )物质(中)
A.磁性 B..放射 C..生物 D..化学 [单项选择]甲与乙签订一项买卖合同。约定:甲向乙支付定金5万元,如果任何一方不履行合同应支付违约金8万元,后来乙违约,甲打算向法院提起诉讼,下列哪种诉讼请求既能最大限度地保护自己的利益,又能获得法院的支持( )
A. 请求乙支付违约金8万元 B. 请求乙双倍返还定金10万元 C. 请求乙支付违约金8万元,同时请求返还定金5万元 D. 请求乙双倍返还定金10万元,同时请求乙支付违约金8万元 [单项选择]男性,3岁。被母亲牵拉右手上台阶时突然哭闹,拒绝使用右上肢。动、血运均正常。最可能查到的阳性体征是()
A. 肘关节肿胀 B. 肘后三角关系异常 C. Dugas征(+) D. 桡骨小头处压痛 E. 肘内翻 [单选题] 对受奖励的人民警察,按照国家规定,可以提前晋升警衔,并给予一定的( )。
A.精神奖励 B.物质奖励 C.经济补贴 D.政治待遇 [单选题]中程无人机活动半径为______。( )
A.50~200km B.>800km C.200~800km [简答题]《客运安全红线管理办法》中,客运安全红线内容是什么?
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