When competition is fierce and elbows are flying, nothing is more natural than the desire to climb atop the heap. The biggest firms in most industries have an edge. They probably became the biggest by being the best. (46)They tend to become more efficient as they grow, reaping economies of scale, thus increasing their margins and their advantage over smaller rivals. Being large enough to shape an industry can help. And when the national champion is faltering, there is a fair chance politicians will consider it too big to fail.
(47) So you might think that it’s time to crack open a few cans of the stuff at PepsiCo, which this week surpassed Coca-Cola in market value for the first time in 112 years of crazy competition. And yet, without wishing to spoil Pepsi’s party, the case for celebration is not so clear-cut. As America has discovered in the geopolitics business, being number one is not much fun.
As soon as a firm climbs above the sharp
The accounts of this admirable
composer’s early proficiency in music are almost incredible. Mozart began the
piano at three years of age. At five years old he began to invent little pieces
of such ingenuity that his father used to write them down. When scarcely able to
walk, his first question to the friends who took him on their knee was, whether
they loved him, and a negative always made him weep. At six years old this
singular. child commenced with his father and sister (two years older than
himself) one of those musical tours common in Cermany, and performed at Munich
before the Elector, to the great admiration of the most musical court on the
continent. When only seven years old Mozart taught himself the violin; and thus, by the united effort of genius and industry; mastered the most difficult of all instruments. From Munich, he went to A. Mozart together with his father and sister began his musical tours at 6. B. Mozart took great efforts when learning to play the violin. C. Mozart composed all the symphonies in the world. D. Mozart received a warm welcome in the British metropolis. [单选题]防护中使用的移动信号有停车信号、()。
A.减速信号 B.信号旗 C.响墩 D.火炬 [单选题] 已知等差数列 {an} 中, a3+a4+a5=15,则a1+a2+…+a7=( )
A. 35 B. 42 C. 46 D. 48 [单项选择]在工业发展的战略目标上要更加重视()
A. 提高经济效益 B. 追求增长速度 C. 增加产品产量 D. 增加产值 [单选题] 第199题检查抄表常用工(器)具是否齐全、完好,包括( )、设备、笔、电筒、备用电池、计算器、低压试电笔、个人
工具等。 A.封印 B.铅封 C.封条 D.铅封锁 [单项选择]液压支架立柱和千斤顶的完好标准要求,活柱和活塞杆无严重变形,用500mm钢尺靠严,其间隙不大于()mm。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”所描述的风景位于()。
A.庐山 B.泰山 C.黄山 D.衡山 [判断题]( )高速铁路防护栅栏及其基础应牢固稳定,与桥梁、隧道、涵洞以及其他既有建筑物合理顺接,不得存在缺口,有安全隐患时应及时消除。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]造成50人以上100人以下重伤属于_____事故
A.特别重大事故 B.重大事故 C.较大事故 D.一般事故 E.险情事件 [填空题]变压器的铁芯是由()性能极好的硅钢片组装成闭合的()。
A. 克里特文明时期 B. 黑暗时代将尽 C. 城邦文明时期 D. 以上都不对 [多项选择]哮喘的气道阻塞由联合因素所致,包括()
A. 气道粘膜水肿 B. 气道平滑肌痉挛 C. 粘液分泌增加 D. 气道上皮下炎性细胞(尤其是嗜酸性细胞和淋巴细胞)浸润 E. 气道上皮损伤和脱屑 [单项选择]100个学生中,88人有手机,76人有电脑,其中有手机没电脑的共15人,则这100个学生中有电脑但没有手机的共有()人。
A. 25 B. 15 C. 5 D. 3 [单选题](47875)更换绝缘接头夹板作业时,应( )。(1.0分)
A.办理封锁施工手续,设置移动停车信号防护,施工封锁完毕后放行列车或单机时速度正常 B.办理临时施工封锁手续,设置移动停车信号防护,施工封锁完毕后放行列车或单机时速度正常 C. 利用列车间隔更换 D.办理封锁施工手续,设置移动停车信号防护,施工封锁完毕后放行列车或单机时速度正常,线路允许速度 Υmax>160km/h地段放行列车或单机时首列速度不得超过160km/h [判断题]Frame控件是一种容器控件,因此它可有它自己的坐标系.
[多选题]消防救援人员,是指由应急管理部统一领导管理的( )
A.国家综合性消防救援队伍在职人员 B.学员 C.政府专职消防员 D.消防文员 E.企业专职消防员 [判断题]预应力后张法孔道压浆时,对曲线孔道和竖向孔道应从最低点的压浆孔压入,由最高点的排气孔排气和泌水。(A 、3、A)[020102]
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交