Since the auto is the main source of
travel in America and distances between major cities are far, a common way of
getting around the country is by hitchhiking. Although it is not illegal, law
enforcers(执行者) and ’most people in authority, especially school administrators,
try to discourage people, especially the young, from traveling this way. Most
people, however, are aware of the dangers which one can encounter by hitchhiking
but the money saved by doing so is often just a compensation for the risk
involved. The hitchhiker usually stands at the entrance ramps(坡道) of highways or along the road itself with fingers clenched and the thumb of the right hand extended and pointing to the direction of the traffic. This is called "thumbing a ride", an expression coined(创造)in the late 1930s, which is also another name for hitchh A. It is a good way for children. B. It is illegal in America. C. It may involve dangers. D. It must be totally stopped, [判断题]冻结单位存款的期限不超过6个月,冻结期内不计付利息。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Elizabeth Taylor was born in England in 1932. She was a very beautiful child, with black hair and bluish-purple eyes.
In 1939, she and her family moved to America, where film makers soon noticed her beauty. She became a child star at the age of nine, and appeared in the film "Lassie" and "National Velvet". Elizabeth Taylor is one of the few child film stars who have been quite successful when they grow up. She has made many well-known films all her life: one of them is "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" in 1958. Her personal life has not been as successful as her films. She has got married eight times. She has often been ill with back problems and has had many operations. In 1981, after she left her second husband, she was in such low spirits that she turned to food, drink and drugs (毒品) for comfort. For the first time in her life, her beauty left her and she put on a lot of weight. However, in 1983, she went to stay in a hospital, and there she worked hard to give up A. In 1932. B. In 1939. C. In 1941. [单选题]膜分离操作是一个( )过程。
A.纯物理 B.纯化学 C.物理化学 [单项选择]患者,女性,35岁,开口受限6个月,既往有关节弹响史。临床检查见开口度1指半,开口型左偏。X线检查发现颞下颌关节前间隙增宽,髁突骨质未见异常,应进一步进行下列哪项检查()
A. 许勒位开口位 B. 颞下颌关节侧位体层 C. 颞下颌关节正位体层 D. 颞下颌关节CT检查 E. 颞下颌关节造影 [单项选择]下述各项哪一项不是溃疡性结肠炎并发中毒性巨结肠的常见诱因
A. 低血钾 B. 使用阿片类药物 C. 低血钙 D. 全结肠镜检查 E. 钡灌肠 [判断题]培训大纲是培训文件中最重要的内容。( ) 1(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设待排序关键码序列为(25,18,9,33,67,82,53,95,12,70),要按关键码值递增的顺序进行排序,采取以第一个关键码为分界元素的快速排序法,第一趟完成后关键码95被放到了第几个位置
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10 [简答题]
某水利工程施工项目经过招标,建设单位选定A公司为中标单位。双方在施工合同中约定,A公司将设备安装、配套工程和桩基工程的施工分别分包给B、C、D三家专业公司,业主负责采购设备。 [判断题] 当辅助变流器采用软起动方式进行起动,除空气压缩机电动机外,其他辅助电动机也随之起动。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列有关成长与发展的规律的陈述,正确的是
A.每个个体都要经过不同的生长发展阶段 B.由近到远是指优先发展距离头部较近的器官 C.人的成长与发展是一个持续的过程 D.四肢骨骼优先发育,神经系统发育较晚 E.人的成长与发育是一个连续的、均衡的过程 [单选题]专门用于运送易燃和易爆物品的道路运输危险货物车辆, 应在驾驶室上方安装( )标志灯,车上应备有消防器材并具有相应的安全措施 ( )
A.红色 B.黄色 C.兰色 D.橙色 [简答题]领导发展与培训的内容有哪些?
[单选题]通过电话银行办理口头挂失业务,有效期是( )。
A. 长期有效 B. 7天有效 C. 1个月有效 D.当日有效 [单项选择]疱疹样脓疱病的临床特征的描述不正确的是()。
A. 多见于中年孕妇妊娠期 B. 开始表现为红斑,后可见针头到绿豆大小的密集脓疱 C. 皮疹可泛发全身 D. 一般无瘙痒 E. 多伴有高热、畏寒、呕吐等全身症状 [简答题]中药片剂制备中中药提取的原则?
[单项选择]“百年大计,教育为本”思想的提出是在党的( )
A. 十二大 B. 十三大 C. 十四大 D. 十五大 [判断题]测电压时应将万用表并联在被测电路的两端,测直流电压时要注意正负极性。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于合规管理的重点内容的是( )。
A.建设强有力的合规文化 B.建立符合政策法规的合规目标 C.建立有利于合规风险管理的基本制度 D.建立有效的合规风险管理体系 [单选题]在《民用航空通信导航监视工作规则》中规定,通信导航监视设备运行的正常率和()应当符合民航局有关规定。
A.执行率 B.正常性 C.完好性 D.完好率 [判断题]对违法行为涉嫌构成犯罪,转为刑事案件办理的行政案件,应当予以结案。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一旦发生灾害,积极组织抢修,尽快修复,争取不中断行车或减少中断行车时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题][396]υmax≤120km/h线路上,钢轨有变形,达到轻伤标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]空气中一氧化碳含量在50PPm时,连续工作不得超过()min。
A.15至20 B.60 C.30 [判断题]多缸发动机工作过程中,气缸数越多,发动机的工作就越平稳。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交