Sociologists (社会学家) tell us that we are
heading for a society leisure. The trend is unmistakable. One hundred years ago,
they point out a worker put in twelve or thirteen hours a day, six days a week,
and week followed week without an annual vacation. But over the years the
picture has changed. Today the typical work week has five eight-hour days, and
workers enjoy about three weeks of paid vacation every year, with the result
that today me spend less than as much time on the job as people did
before. In spite of this, today’s worker may not feel that he has a great deal of leisure time. This is because a lot of the non-work time is taken up with fulfilling family and social obligations. For example, he feels that he should spend some time with his children every day, and if a man does physical activity in his job, that too c A. find it difficult to decide what to do B. make a careful plan in what to do C. go to the playground D. do anything they are interested in [判断题]周界报警系统应能按时间、区域、部位任意编程设防或撤防。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]信访事项事由合理但缺乏法律依据的,应当怎样处理?
[多选题]使用工具仪器仪表前进行检查,禁止使用不合格的工具仪器仪表。对使用后的工具仪器仪表进行( )。
A.检查确认 B.登记 C.保养 D.清洁 [多选题]起道时放置起道机,( )是正确的。
A.有缝接头放在接缝下 B.直线上放在钢轨里口 C.曲线上股放在里口 D.曲线上股放在外口 E.略 [单项选择]根据《建设工程监理范围和规模标准规定》的规定,( )工程必须实行监理。
A. 学校、影剧院、体育馆 B. 卫生、社会福利等项目 C. 建筑面积在1万~3万m2的住宅建筑工程 D. 项目投资总额在3000万元以下的供水、供电、供气、供热等市政工程项目 [多选题]农产品流通环节包括( )。
A.多环节直销型 B.多环节销售型 C.直销型 D.单一环节直销型 E.分散销售型 我来回答: 提交