Cough is a normal physiologic
reflex(生理反射) mediated by the "cough center" of the brain. The function of this
reflex is to clear airways of inhaled irritants, debris(碎屑), or secretions that
have accumulated as a result of bacterial or viral infection. Cough may also
occur in response to irritation of inflame respiratory epithelium(呼息道上皮), as is
commonly seen with some viral infections. Irritant-initiated cough often has
little effect on clearance of secretions and is called "nonproductive
cough"(咳痰). APPROACHES TO TREATMENT Cough accompanies many different disorders. Suppressing a productive cough(千咳)can interfere with normal defense mechanisms and be potentially harmful. Suppression of nonproductive cough is safer but is not essential. Antitussive(镇咳的) use is justifiable in severe cases in which nonproductive c A. emesis B. asthma C. secretions D. irritants [判断题]在同一电气连接部分用同一张工作票依次在几个工作地点转移工作时,全部安全措施由运维人员在开工前一次做完,不需再办理转移手续。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]马克思主义认识论与唯心主义认识论的区别在于是否承认()。
A. 世界的可知性 B. 客观事物是认识的对象 C. 认识起源于经验 D. 认识的基础是社会实践 [判断题]厂房内的桥式起重机作业完毕后应停放在指定地点。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1元广建设集团在安全生产许可证有效期内,严格遵守有关安全生产的法律法规,未发生死亡事故的,安全生产许可证有效期届满时,经原安全生产许可证颁发管理机关同意,不再审查,安全生产许可证有效期延期5年。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]( )不是评价烟叶外观质量的因素。
A.填充性 B.叶片结构 C.劲头 D.燃烧性 [多选题]如发现杆件滑移,导致拱度、挠度变化,即表明连接处高强度螺栓大部分欠拧,如螺栓头或螺母周围涂膜( ),表明该螺栓多属严重欠拧、漏探或出现裂纹。
A.开裂脱落 B.粉化 C.流锈水 D.起泡 [判断题] 柱上变压器台架工作,人体与高压线路和跌落式熔断器上部带电部分应保持安全距离。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 社会主义核心价值观中“自由、平等、公正、法治”是个人层面的价值取向。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交