No one should be forced to wear a
uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and
totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the
person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as
apart of a whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth. There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual himself If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has no right to continue its existence. Others say that the practice of making person wear uniforms, say in a school, eliminates all envy and competition in the matter of dress, such that a poor p A. the positive effects of wearing uniforms B. more negative effects of wearing uniforms C. an alternative to wearing uniforms D. the legal rights of those wishing to wear uniforms [填空题]某工区管辖内k102+000-k102+301曲线(υmax≤200km/h,正线),半径是1000m,缓和曲线长是120m,经计算,圆曲线的计划正矢为( )mm,缓和曲线的正矢递减率为( )mm,直缓点的正矢为( )mm,缓圆点的正矢为( )mm;那么,通过上述计算结果,最终得出缓和曲线中间测点的计划正矢f如下:f3为12mmf4为17mmf5为19mmf6为23mm,假设对此曲线进行经常保养验收,检查现场实测正矢为:f3=8mmf4=16mmf5=18mmf6=24mm,扣( )分。
A1 B4.2 C3.8 D4.6 E4 F8 G12 H14 I17 J19 K21 L23 M25 N27 O29 P32 Q34 R50 S49 T40 [单项选择]房屋月供款占借款人税前月总收入的比率,较适宜的区间一般为()。
A. 20%~30% B. 25%~30% C. 30%~38% D. 33%~38% [单项选择]滴虫性阴道炎临床治愈的标准是
A. 临床症状如外阴瘙痒、泡沫状白带增多等消失 B. 滴虫检查阴性 C. 治疗后滴虫检查阴性+月经后复查阴性1次 D. 治疗后滴虫检查阴性+月经后复查 2次均阴性 E. 治疗后滴虫检查阴性+三次月经后复查均阴性 [单项选择]王某,女,18岁。每次行经血量多,色紫红,味臭秽,夹有瘀块。常伴有便秘,口干。舌红苔黄,脉弦数有力。针灸取穴为()
A. 三阴交、隐白、内关、太溪 B. 三阴交、隐白、血海、水泉 C. 三阴交、隐白、脾俞、足三里 D. 三阴交、隐白、百会、气海 E. 三阴交、隐白、内庭、关元 [多选题]消防通信系统辅助决策数据包括( )等信息。
A.A.气象、电话号码 B.B.消防地理、消防水源 C.C.消防实力、灭火救援备用器材 D.D.灭火剂储备、消防安全重点单位、各类火灾与灾害事故特性 [单项选择]开发商甲与公民乙签订房屋预售买卖合同,并办理了该房屋的预告登记。不久,开发商甲又以更高的价格将该房屋预售给公民丙。根据物权法的规定,下列表述正确的是( )。
A. 乙只能要求甲承担违约责任并承担损害赔偿责任 B. 甲与丙之间签订的房屋预售买卖合同无效 C. 甲与乙之间签订的房屋预售买卖合同具有物权的效力 D. 甲与丙之间签订的房屋预售买卖合同具有物权的效力 [多选题]已知甲公司年末负债总额为300万元,资产总额为500万元,流动资产为200万元,速动资产为100万元,流动负债为150万元,年利息费用为20万元,资本化利息15,净利润为40万元,所得税费用为10万元,则()
A.年末长期资本负债率42.86% B.速动比率4/3 C.利息保障倍数为2 D.产权比率5/2 [单项选择]由于()的存在,纳税人的计税依据就会小于其课税对象的数额,从而有利于降低其税收负担,起到照顾纳税人的最低生活需要。
A. 免征额 B. 起征点 C. 计税依据 D. 最低征收额 [简答题]简述关节置换术的康复评定。
电缆直流耐压试验后要经放电电阻放电,否则会损坏设备,当放电电阻为0,L=0.27mH,C=0.3μF,电缆充电电压为140kV时,振荡电流最大瞬时值为(____)A。 A.3889 B.4265 C.4667 D.5214 我来回答: 提交