Coca-Cola has been operating
internationally for most of its 100 year history. Today the company has
operations in 160 countries and employs over 400,000 people. The firm’s human
resource management (HRM) strategy helps to explain a great deal of its success.
In one recent year Coca-Cola transferred more than 300 professional and
managerial staff from one country to another under its leadership development
program, and the number o A. (A) To illustrate the company’s international emphasis. B. (B) To show that Americans serve in high positions in the firm. C. (C) To encourage foreigners to work for the company. D. (D) To prove that the company has long-time workers. [多选题]国家制定能源技术经济政策,开展新技术路线的经济性评价,鼓励、支持能源科学技术的研究、开发和推广应用,促进能源科学技术的()。
A.自出创新 B.合理化 C.产业化 D.集中化 [单项选择]An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of students’ career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical educational reform. Very few writers on the subject have explored this (1) —indeed, contradiction—which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the (2) to put computers in the classroom.
An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a/an (3) education, justified for reasons radically different from why education is (4) required by law. It is not simply to (5) everyone’s job prospects that all children are legally (6) to attend school into their teens. Rather, we have a certain (7) of the American citizen, a character who is (8) if he cannot competently assess (9) his livelihood and happiness are affected by things (10) of himself. But this was not always t A. Encountering B. Banking C. Devising D. Seeking [单项选择]下列哪一项不是NetWare网络的用户
A. 网络管理员 B. 组管理员 C. 网络操作员 D. 客户机操作员 [单选题]动脉血氧分压(PaO2)降低,使动脉血氧含量(CaO2)减少,组织供氧不足,此为
A.低张性缺氧 B.血液性缺氧 C.循环性缺氧 D.组织性缺氧 E.轻度缺氧 [判断题]《十九信条》取消了有关责任内阁制的规定,皇帝权力漫无限制,使绝对集权的君主专制主义,进一步用宪法加以巩固了。
[多选题]属于绝缘工具的有哪些( )。
A.安全带 B.绝缘手套 C.高压验电器杆 D.安全帽 E.绝缘靴 [多选题]下列哪些现象属于我国的经济基础 ( )
A. 社会主义国有化铁路 B. 社会主义商品交换 C. 中华人共和国的《森林法》 D. 社会主义的按劳分配制度 [判断题]使用千斤顶应设置在平整、坚实处,并用垫木垫平。千斤顶应与荷重面垂直,其顶部与重物的接触面间应加防滑垫层。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]jrxq进入高温、浓烟、有毒、缺氧区域时,必须佩戴空(氧)气呼吸器。( ) (中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CRH380B型动车组网络通信中的终端电阻阻值是 Ω。
A.100 B.110 C.120 D.220 [单选题]油气分离器启动时,应缓慢打开分离器( ),听进油声音是否正常。
A.出气阀门 B.出水阀门 C.进油阀门 D.出油阀门 [单选题]受行政机关委托的组织或个人在在行使受委托的行政权力时侵犯公民的合法权益造成损害的,应由( )承当赔偿义务。
A.委托机关 B.被委托的组织或个人 C.委托机关和被委托的组织或个人共同 [多项选择]用水提取中药时,常不采用()
A. 浸渍法 B. 煎煮法 C. 连续回流法 D. 渗漉法 E. 回流法 [多选题]30.依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第6.5.5.6条规定:对于需要停用线路重合闸装置或再启动功能的第二种工作票的工作,工作负责人及许可人须遵守以下规定()。
A.每天工作前工作负责人应得到工作许可人许可后方可组织开展工作 B.每天工作结束后工作负责人应及时与工作许可人联系,恢复线路重合闸装置或再启动功能。 C.第一天工作前工作负责人应得到工作许可人许可后方可组织开展工作,往后时间不需每天征得工作许可人许可即可组织开展工作 D.最后一天工作结束后工作负责人与工作许可人联系,恢复线路重合闸装置或再启动功能即可,工作结束前几天不需每天联系办理 E.在工作票执行期间,线路跳闸后,工作许可人未与工作负责人取得联系前不得强送电 我来回答: 提交