Trees are useful to man in three
important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him
shade; and they help to prevent droughts and floods.
Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the
third of these services is the most important. (78) {{U}}In his eagerness to make
money from trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that
without them he has lost the best friends he had. {{/U}}And besides, he is usually
too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly
disappear. This does not only mean that man will have fewer
trees. The results are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots
break up soil--allowing the rain to sink in--and also bind the soil, thus
preventing it from being washed away easily; but where there are no A. They help him make money. B. They give him wood and other products. C. They help him prevent droughts and floods. D. They give him shade.
[多选题]依据《 胜利油田生产安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理 双重预防管理实施细则》, 隐患治理方案的内容包括目标任务、物资、应急处置方案等。 A. 总结材料 B.经费 C.台账 D.方法步骤
[单项选择]可将IgG分解成F(ab′)2和pFc′的酶是 A. 胃蛋白酶 B. 胰酶 C. 木瓜蛋白酶 D. 激肽原酶 E. 脂氧化酶
[单选题]一般情形下,烟草专卖局应当自受理烟草专卖零售许可证申请之日起( )日作出行政许可决定。 A.15 B.20 C.30 D.45
[单选题] 转让已购公房、经济适用住房征收土地出让金,按照( )的计算公式补缴国有土地使用权出让收入。 A. 补缴土地价款=标定地价×缴纳比例(≥5%)×上市房屋分摊土地面积×年期修正系数 B. 补缴土地价款=标定地价×缴纳比例(≥10%)×上市房屋分摊土地面积×年期修正系数 C. 补缴土地价款=标定地价×缴纳比例(≥15%)×上市房屋分摊土地面积×年期修正系数 D. 补缴土地价款=标定地价×缴纳比例(≥15%)×上市房屋分摊土地面积×年期修正系数
[单选题] 地形图的精度是指它的( )。 A.绝对精度 B.相对精度 C.数学精度 D.观测精度
[单选题]塔式起重机的风速仪应设置在起重机的( )。 A.最低处 B.起重臂上 C.塔帽上 D.最高处
[单选题]推送车列起动前;但在同一线路连续连挂时,可不停车连挂,要确认连挂状态。车组间距离超过()车时,必须顿钩或试拉 A.3 B.5 C.10 D.6
[多选题]下列哪些属于临时补修的基本工作?( ) A.更换伤损失效的扣件 B.更换伤损失效的道岔部件 C. 整治道床翻浆冒泥 D.处理失效胶接绝缘接头
[单选题]气温高低,如何影响飞机滑跑距离? A.气温低时,空气密度小,飞机增速快,飞机升力减小,起飞滑跑距离要长 B.气温高时,空气密度大,飞机增速快,飞机升力增大,起飞滑跑距离要短 C.气温高时,空气密度小,飞机增速慢,飞机的离地速度增大,起飞滑跑距离要长
[单选题]信息沟通的三个关键环节是 A.发送者、信息渠道、接收者 B.传递者、接收者、信息内容 C.发送者、传递者、信息渠道 D.接收者、信息、信息渠道 E.发送者、信息、信息渠道
[单选题]在带电运行设备区域内的易飘扬、飘洒物品,必须严格回收或固定,防止半导电漂浮物接触高压带电体,产生感应电伤人事故。() A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略
[单项选择]Rh溶血病的临床表现如下,除了() A. 黄疸 B. 胎儿水肿 C. DIC症状 D. 贫血 E. 核黄疸症状
[单选题]采用点对点连接方式连接的硬盘接口是(). A.A:SATA B.B:IDE C.C:SCSI D.D:USB
[多选题]【多选题】做好消防监督执法工作主要是( )等。 A.搞好火灾风险评估 B.加强消防监督检查 C.开展消防宣传教育 D.组织火灾事故调查
[判断题]工作票签发人应由熟悉人员文化水平、熟悉配电网络接线方式、熟悉设备情况、熟悉本规程的人员担任。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题](110261)( )属于机车柴油机冒白烟原因之一的是、气缸套有砂眼、裂纹。( )(1.0分) A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]SYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999, Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and "anything else that came up." Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50-meter butterfly (蝶泳) in the Australian championships at Homebush Bay. Gould, now a 47-year-old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competition (顶级赛事) to swim the one event, having set a qualifying time of 30.32 seconds in winning gold at last year’s United States Masters championships. Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics. Schipper, now a 17-year-old from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled her time with Gould five years ago. "I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us A. the Olympics B. the youth camp C. the friendship D. the Australian team
[多选题]对双电源和自发电用户,采用安全措施正确的有()。 A.双电源进户应设置在同一配电室内,两路电源之间装设四极双投隔离开关或其他确实安全可靠的连锁装置,以防止互相倒送电 B.自发电机组的中性线可以与供电部门中性线合用 C.双电源和自发电用户,严禁擅自向其他用户转供电 D.为防止双电源在操作中发生事故,用户应严格执行安全规程有关倒闸操作的安全规定,如应设置操作模拟图板制定现场操作规程备齐有关安全运行和管理的规程制度及包括运行日志在内的各项记录培训有关电工,考核合格后上岗高压用户的双电源切换操作必须按与供电部门签订的调度协议规定执行等
[单选题]IP地址是一个( )位的二进制地址 。(中)(基础知识) A.4 B.8 C.16 D.32
[单选题]以下哪项不是高净值人群选择银行服务的关键因素 A.非金融服务 B.投资咨询 C.金融产品定价 D.银行属性
[单项选择]以下哪一项属于伦理判断所包含的内容:() A. 某个团体 B. 某种行为 C. 某种事态 D. 以上都是
[判断题]接近被连挂的车辆时,不准超过7km/h。 A.正确 B.错误
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