Our brains could be hard-wired to be
male or female long before we begin to grow testes(丸)or ovaries(卵巢)in the womb.
This discovery might explain why some people feel trapped in a body that’s the
wrong sex, and could also lead to tests that reveal the true "brain sex" of
babies born with ambiguous genitalia(生殖器). Till now, the orthodoxy among developmental biologists has been that embryos develop ovaries and become female unless a gene called SRY on the Y chromosome is switched on. If this gene is active, it makes testes develop instead. This switch is seen as the key event in determining whether a baby is a girl or a boy. Only after the gonads(性腺) form and flood the body with the appropriate hormones, the theory goes, is the sex of our minds and bodies determined. But in a study of mice, a team at the University of Californ A. whether we will be male or female is determined by the brain, not the genitalia B. some people consider themselves to be male but are in fact female physiologically C. our brain sex is formed long after our testes or ovaries begin to grow D. some people feel trapped because they have ambiguous genitalia [单项选择]A、B、C三家施工单位的资质等级依次为施工总承包二级、一级和特级。其中,A利C组成了联合体,并在招标文件要求的截止日期之前提交了投标文件。下列行为不符合法律规定的是( )。
A. A和C将联合体协议一并提交给了招标人 B. B加入由A和C组成的联合体并在截日期征得了招标人的同意 C. C又按照单独承包的报价提交了一份投标文件 D. A和C商定由A为牵头人并以其名义提交了投标保证金 [名词解释]劳动力资源动态指标
[判断题]反对享乐主义,就是要勒紧裤带,把钱存到银行,为国家建设作贡献。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]屏蔽门(站台门)宽度为()。
A.1100mm B.1200mm C.1300mm D.1400mm [多项选择]《伤寒论》认为痞满证的病机为
A. 饮食寒凉 B. 正虚邪陷 C. 脾湿有余 D. 脏寒生满病 E. 升降失调 [单项选择]男性,25岁,房屋倒塌,上半身被压伤,20分钟后入院,神志清,呼吸困难,无腹痛及呕吐等。体检:体温36.5℃,脉搏100次/分,血压16/10kPa,呼吸30次/分,瞳孔反射正常,睑结膜出血,颈部四肢正常。化验:Hb12g,WBC10×10的9次方/L,胸透及便常规正常,最大可能诊断是
A. 挤压综合征 B. 广泛软组织挫伤 C. 创伤性休克 D. 损伤性窒息 E. 颅脑损伤 [单选题](单选题). 假药是指( )。
A.药品所含成份与国家药品标准规定的成份不符的 B.所标明的适应症或者功能主治超出规定范围的 C.变质的 D.过有效期的 [单项选择]首选红霉素()
A. 麻疹 B. 水痘 C. 百日咳 D. 猩红热 E. 流行性腮腺炎 [单项选择]盈亏平衡分析可以分为( )。
A. 收益平衡和平衡点分析 B. 盈亏平衡点分析 C. 非线性和线性平衡点分析 D. 线性和非线性盈亏平衡分析 [单项选择]下列不合法的main函数命令行参数的表示形式是 ______ 。
A. main(int a,char * c[]); B. main(ac,av)int arc;char * * av; C. main(c,v)int c;char * v[]; D. main(argc,argv)int argc;char argv[]; 我来回答: 提交