{{B}}Geography and Movement{{/B}} To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth’s axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the ea A. always appear near the path of the sun B. are moving in a way more complicated than the earth does C. aren’t moving around the sun as independently as the earth does D. are moving around the sun at the same speed as the earth does [填空题]初期的决策支持系统的框架结构一般由模型库、数据库以及人机对话系统等三个部件组成,20世纪80年代,DSS增加了()。
[判断题]我国安全生产工作的总方针是:“安全第一,预防为主”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在斗谱中,密蒙花因不常用,应放在斗架的()
A. 高层 B. 下层 C. 右侧 D. 左侧 E. 边斗 [判断题]期货交易实行当日无负债结算制度,交易双方必须缴纳-定数额的保证金,并且在交易过程中始终要维持-定的保证金水平。()
A.挖好的基坑 B.未竖立稳固的杆塔 C.负载的起重和牵引机械装置 D.工作地点 [单项选择]新生儿娩出后正确的处理是()
A. 娩出后首先断脐 B. 娩出后半小时内早接触 C. 5分钟后行Apgar评分 D. 娩出后立即擦去胎脂 E. 新生儿清洗后,打足印子新生儿病历上 [单选题]漏发、错发、漏传、错传调度命令耽误列车,未造成其他更严重后果的,为( )。
A.一般A类事故 B.一般B类事故 C.一般C类事故 D.一般D类事故 [单项选择]
D [单选题]汽轮机上、下缸金属温差通常出现在( )。
A.调节级; B.中间级; C.未级; D.无法确定。 [单选题] 轴流式调压阀主要由指挥阀、主阀、( )及导压系统等组成。
A.节流针阀 B.闸阀 C.截止阀 D.球阀 我来回答: 提交