{{B}}Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following
passage:{{/B}} Nonverbal (非语言的) communication has to do with gestures, movements and close-ness of two people when they are talking. (78) {{U}}The scientists say that those gestures, movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry.{{/U}} For example, the body distance between two speakers can be important. North Ameri-cans often complain that South Americans are unfriendly because they tend to stand close to the North American when speaking, while the South American often consider the North American to be "cold" or "distant" because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to. The "eye contact" provides another example of what we are calling nonverbal communication. Scientists have observed that there is more eye contact between A. tend to keep a distance between himself and the person he is speaking to B. usually stands close to the person he is talking to C. are often unfriendly when spoken to D. are often cold and distant when speaking [填空题]评价混凝土外加剂与水泥的适应性时,是以饱和点外加剂掺量低、()、()的外加剂对水泥的适应性好。
[单选题]对民用建筑实施防火检查时,检查人员应注意查看特殊功能场所,下列附设在民用建筑内的场所不应设置在地下或半地下,且不应设置在四层及四层以上的是( )。
A.老年人照料设施的公共活动用房 B.医院的住院部分 C.游艺厅 D.儿童游乐厅 [单项选择]不是常用的汇编语言程序结构的是( )
A. 顺序 B. 分支 C. 循环 D. 随机 [单选题]企业已计提坏账准备的应收账款确实无法收回,按管理权限报经批准作为坏账转销时,应编制的会计分录是( )。
A.借记“信用减值损失”科目,贷记“坏账准备”科目 B.借记“管理费用”科目,贷记“应收账款”科目 C.借记“坏账准备”科目,贷记“应收账款”科目 D.借记“坏账准备”科目,贷记“信用减值损失”科目 [多项选择]预防免疫功能低下病人发生医院感染,正确的做法是()
A. 注射有关疫苗 B. 广谱抗生素肠道强力去污染 C. 治疗潜在性感染的局部病灶 D. 保护性隔离 E. 保护皮肤粘膜的完整性 我来回答: 提交