Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want so say it well,but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand-he wants to teach them. and he wants them to learn from him. What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain,because painters translate their experiences into shapes and colors,not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors,out of the countless billions possible,is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors,or have A. The public could share the artist’s feelings through their choice of shapes and colors. B. The painter should not choose to paint ugly things. C. Contemporary artists are completely different from other artists. D. All artists are teaching the public consciously. [单项选择]用于胰腺纤维囊性变的羊水检查试验是( )
A. ALP测定 B. CK测定 C. 总胆碱酯酶测定 D. 脂蛋白测定 E. AFP测定 [单项选择]汽车传动系的作用是()。
A. 将发动机的动力按需要传给驱动轮 B. 将发动机的动力传给驱动轮 C. 将发动机的动力按规定传给驱动轮 [单项选择]下列哪种宝石是长石类宝石()
A. 欧泊 B. 天河石 C. 托帕石 [判断题]达到报废标准的或超出检验期的安全工器具可以临时应急使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统发送器故障表示灯每周期闪动2次,说明()故障。
A.A、低频编码条件 B.B、型号选择条件 C.C、载频编码条件 D.D、功出电压检测 [单选题] 自动调节系统中,静态与动态的关系( )。[1.0分]
A. 是线性关系 B. 静态是动态的一种特例 C. 非线性关系 D. 无任何关系 [单选题] 单位质量气体,通过风机所获得的能量用风机的( )表示。
A. 轴功率 B. 出口风压 C. 全风压 D. 出口静压 [单项选择]下列血管闭塞最易导致偏瘫的是()
A. 小脑下后动脉 B. 大脑中动脉 C. 脊髓前动脉 D. 小脑下前动脉 E. 大脑前动脉 [判断题]脚手架搭设完毕,必须经施工负责人全面检查验收后方能使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]到17世纪时文艺复兴运动衰落,由此欧洲的设计进入了一个新的历史时期,史称浪漫时期。浪漫时期的设计风格主要是()和()。
[单项选择]The little boy came into the room after playing football for 2 hours, his face ______ with sweat.
A. drips B. dripped C. was dripped D. dripping [多选题]下列各项中,属于信息采集设备的为( )。
A.可变情报板 B.车辆检测器 C.路侧广播 D.气象检测器 [判断题]( ) 《行规》规定留存或收回的绿色许可证、红色许可证、半自动闭塞发车进路通知书、出站(跟踪)调车通知书、书面通知,保管2个月。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于真性幻觉及假性幻觉的说法,正确的是()
A. 真性幻觉的形象鲜明生动 B. 假性幻觉的形象鲜明生动 C. 真性幻觉不是通过感官获得的,如存在脑内或肚子内 D. 在诊断精神分裂症时,假性幻觉更有诊断价值 E. 无论是真性幻觉还是假性幻觉,患者都会坚信不疑,并可能表现出相应的情感与行为反应 [单选题]氯水的性质很不稳定,在加热的情况下,很容易析出( )。
A.氯气 B.氧气 C.氢气 D.氯化氢 我来回答: 提交