More than a quarter of American
children--and half of black children--belong to families too poor to fully
qualify for the $1,000-a-year child tax credit, which President Bush signed four
years ago and has cited in arguing that his program of sweeping tax cuts helps
low-income families, a new study has found. With an annual value of $47 billion,
the credit is the government’s largest children’s subsidy and one that has
provoked sharp partisan fights. Many conservatives, viewing it solely as a tax
cut, want to reserve the credit for families that owe federal income tax. Many
liberals, vie-wing it as a broader children’s allowance, want to extend it to
poorer workers, who they say need it most. Still, the study found that the families of 19.5 million children were too poor to receive the full $1,000 benefit. About half get a p A. Len Burman. B. Mr. Mitchell. C. Newt Gingrich. D. Ms. Snowe. [简答题]门诊接待黄疸病人要注意什么?
[多选题] 关于RAMAN放大器描述正确的是 (2分) 查看答案
A.RAMAN放大器放大介质为线路光纤,放大特性为分布式放大,有效距离为30-50km B.RAMAN放大器可以达到使系统信噪比相对改善3~5dB C.RAMAN放大器借助于光纤SRS效应实现放大,提升效应幅度的途径是提高入纤功率 D.RAMAN配置在紧邻线路光纤的位置 [判断题]合规工作只是合规管理部门的事情,对公客户经理只需要做好客户营销和维护就可以了。
[单选题](单选题,1 分)
关于排卵,正确的是 A.排卵多发生在下次月经来潮前 14 天左右 B.妇女自青春期幵始周期性规律排卵 C.在 FSH 作用下黄体形成 D.每一月经周期,每个卵巢排出一个卵子 E.卵巢排出卵子直接进入输卵管 [单选题]使用切割器具破拆时,要平稳操作、直线切割,切割器具( )不得站人。
A.后方 B. 前方 C.左方 D.右方 [单选题]下面哪些不属于网页的多媒体元素( )。
A.音频 B.视频 C.动画 D.图片 [多选题]电流通过钢丝绳或从钢丝绳到达另一物体时会发生电弧损伤。任何钢丝绳一旦被怀疑经受过电弧损伤应报废。常见的电弧损伤原因( )。
A.钢丝带电; B.闪电电击; C.静电; D.用钢丝绳作电焊机搭铁线。 [多项选择]危险行为包括
A. 不良生活习惯 B. A型行为 C. C型行为 D. 不良疾病行为 E. 违反社会法律和道德的行为 [单选题]空中出现有影响到着陆距离的飞机系统失效,可以参考什么计算所需的着陆距离?
A.FCOM或MEL B.只有FCOM和QRH C.只有MEL [单选题]搬运时,搬运的过道应(),如在夜间搬运应有足够的照明。
A.有人监护 B.平坦畅通 C.事先整理 D.宽度足够 [单项选择]党在长期执政条件下保持先进性和创造力的决定性因素是( )。
A. 坚持马克思主义的中国化 B. 坚持走中国特色社会主义 C. 坚持“三个代表”重要思想 D. 坚持党的思想路线,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 我来回答: 提交