Yes, that college tuition bill was
bigger this year. States are passing along their budget woes to public
university students and their families. Tuitions are rising by double digits in
some states, while the amount of state-funded student aid is dropping. Although incomes are rising by only 1% to 2% in most states, tuition at four-year public schools has leapt by 24% in Massachusetts, 20% in Texas and 7% nationally since the 2001-2002 school year. New York had the smallest increase, 0nly 2%. But proposed tuition increases of 35% or more at the State University of New York and the City University of New York would put New York in the lead. Meanwhile, total tuition aid is down 10% in Illinois, 13% in Connecticut and 20% in Arkansas. State budget deficits are the cause. Nationally, states spend about 48% of their revenue A. New York would still have the smallest increase in tuition. B. New York would have the largest increase in tuition among the states. C. New York would be put in the leading role. D. New York would be among the states that charge more tuition. [多选题] 地面建筑物坍塌事故发生时,按照出动计划和预案迅速调出(),并根据现场情况和上级消防部门指示调派增援力量。( )
A. 辖区中队 B. 特勤中队 C. 邻近中队 D. 特勤大队 [判断题]四种主要脱硫技术是根据各方法的装置规模量来确定。
A. 超急排斥 B. 急性排斥 C. 慢性排斥 D. GVHR E. 以上都不是 [单选题]车站向作业区间发车时,驻站联络员应立即向( )发出确报。
A.现场防护员 B.施工负责人 C.作业负责人 D.现场负责人 [判断题]在操办婚丧喜庆事宜中,借机敛财或者有其他侵犯国家、集体和人民利益行为的,依照规定从重或者加重处分,直至留党察看。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers The American Society of Newspaper Editors is trying to answer this painful question. The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project. [判断题][371]无淤积的灌溉涵当全长大于25m时,孔径相应加大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]血管对于( )相当于( )对于城市
A. 血液 国家 B. 健康 居民 C. 循环 运输 D. 身体 道路 [单选题]劳动者不能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任工作的,用人单位应当( )与其解除合同。
A.提前三十日以书面形式通知劳动者本人 B.立即 C.15日内通知劳动者 D.电话通知劳动者本人 [填空题]轧辊辊颈的主要作用是( )。
A. 降低毒性 B. 缓和药性 C. 改变药性 D. 增强疗效 E. 便于切制 我来回答: 提交