After-birth Depression Blamed for
Woman’s Suicide{{/B}} A new mother apparently suffering from postpartum mental illness fell to her death from a narrow 12th-floor ledge of a Chicago hotel, eluding the lunging grasp of firemen called to help. The Chicago Tribune reported Tuesday that the mother of a 3-month-old daughter, Melanie Stokes, 41, was said to be suffering from3 a severe form of after-birth depression called postpartum psychosis, an extremely rare biological response to rapidly changing hormonal levels that can result in4 hallucinations, delusions, severe insomnia and a drastic departure from reality. "That was a monster in my daughter’s brain," said Stokes’ mother, Carol Blocker. "The medicine took no effect at all, while her grief was so strong that nothing could make up for it A. having an intention of suicide. B. readily becoming impatient or angry. C. easily changing her moods. D. tending to experience weeping and sadness. [单选题]该患者的目前护理评估中最重要的是
A.受伤史 B.受伤局部状况 C.伤者的生命体征 D.有无腹部包块 E.有无血尿 [单选题]配电设备紧急缺陷处理期限为()小时。
A.12 B.24 C.36 D.48 [判断题]双盘位(盘左盘右取平均值)观测某个方向的竖直角可以消除竖盘指标差的影响。该表述 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用来检查早接触点的方法不包括
A.视诊 B.扪诊 C.咬合纸法 D.咬蜡片法 E.牙线法 [多项选择]发审委员如有以下()情形的,中国证监会应当予以解聘。
A. 违反法律、行政法规、规章和发行审核工作纪律的 B. 未按照中国证监会的有关规定勤勉尽职的 C. 本人提出辞职请求的 D. 两次以上无故不出席发审委会议 E. 有一次不出席发审委会议的 [简答题]当面不愿说的话,千万不要在背后说。
[多选题]个人定期存款种类包括:( )
A.整存整取 B.零存整取 C.整存零取 D.活期存款 我来回答: 提交