One thing that distinguishes the online
world from the real one is that it is very easy to find things. To find a copy
of The Economist in print, one has to go to a news-stand, which may or may not
carry it. Finding it online, though, is a different proposition. Just go to
Google, type in "economist" and you will be instantly directed to
Though it is difficult to remember now, this was not always the case. Indeed,
until Google, now the world’s most popular search engine, came on to the scene
in September 1998, it was not the case at all. As in the physical world,
searching online was a hit-or-miss affair. Google was vastly better than anything that had come before: so much better, in fact, that it changed the way many people use the web. Almost overnight, it made the web far more useful, A. Each page can be given a score that reflects its importance. B. In the beginning of rating a page’s relative importance, all pages are given the same score. C. The importance of one page depends on the importance of pages that link to it, the importance of which depends in turn on the importance of pages that link to them. D. One page’s score is given totally to another page it links to. [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,( )收到工作票后应及时审核,确认无误后签名接收。( )
A.值班负责人 B.调度员 C.运行人员 (D)检修人员 [单选题] 应根据( )对设备状态的定义,在运行规程上明确不同运行状态下各二次设备及相关交直流控制电源的投停状态,说明各压板、切换开关等的位置。
A. 调度规程 B. 运行规程 C. 安全工作规程 D. 检修规程 [简答题]氯瓶储存的规定有哪些?
A. 补体检测 B. 抗核抗体、抗ENA抗体谱 C. 免疫球蛋白检测 D. 抗心磷脂抗体 E. 胸片 [单选题]最易在新生儿室形成暴发流行的病原微生物是( )。
A.柯萨奇病毒 B.铜绿假单胞菌 C.脑膜炎球菌 D.链球菌 E.乙肝病毒 [判断题]一张工作票中,工作票签发人和工作许可人不得兼任工作负责人
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在聆听过程中,我们要善于将对方的话进行()。
A.简单汇总 B.认真分析 C.归纳总结 D.分类整理 [多项选择]利用工程造价指数来研究实际工作,其意义在于( )。
A. 分析价格变动趋势及其原因 B. 分析工程量所引起的工程造价的变化 C. 估计工程造价变化对宏观经济的影响 D. 修正投资估算 E. 可作为工程承发包双方进行工程估价和结算的重要依据 [单选题]在Word的编辑状态下,如果要调整段落的左右边界,快捷的方法是使用().
A.格式栏 B.格式菜单 C.拖动标尺上的缩进标志 D.常用工具栏 我来回答: 提交