Our theory and practice in the area of
sentencing have undergone a gradual but dramatic metamorphosis through the
years. Primitive man believed that a crime created an imbalance, which could be
rectified only by punishing the wrongdoer. Thus, sentencing was initially
vengeance-oriented. Gradually, emphasis began to be placed on the deterrent
value of a sentence upon future wrongdoing. Though deterrence is still an important consideration, increased emphasis on the possibility of reforming the offender- A. tries to punish the offender B. is callous C. is inconsistent D. tries to prevent future crimes [填空题]两台路由器通过光纤直连,其中一台路由器端口IP地址为172.16.18.1/30,要使两端链路连通,则另一台路由器端口IP地址需配置为( )。
A.A.三 B.B.五 C.C.七 D.D.十 [单选题] "GPS卫星同步时钟信号输出的信号格式有( )。
A.RS232 B.NTP C.IRIG-B D.以上都对" [多选题]以下关于星型网络拓扑结构的描述正确的是______。
A.星型拓扑易于维护 B.在星型拓扑中,某条线路的故障不影响其它线路下的计算机通信 C.星型拓扑具有很高的健壮性,不存在单点故障的问题 中心结点故障 D.由于星型拓扑结构的网络是共享总线带宽,当网络负载过重时会导致性能下降 [填空题]LKJ的()插件完成对机车信号的采集,供监控记录插件采样。
[判断题]出口的动物产品必须产自经检验检疫机构注册登记的生产企业。 ( )
A. 骨软骨瘤 B. 骨肉瘤 C. 骨化性肌炎 D. 骨结核 E. 慢性骨髓炎 F. 骨巨细胞瘤 G. 动脉瘤样骨囊肿 [单项选择]()负责组织GMP认证
A. 国家药品监督管理部门 B. 省级药品监督管理部门 C. 省以上药品监督管理部门 D. 设区的市药品监督管理部门 E. 直辖市设的县药品监督管理部门 我来回答: 提交