Passage 2 If income is transferred from rich persons to poor persons the proportion in which different sorts of goods and services are provided will be changed. Expensive luxuries will give place to more necessary articles, rare wines to meat and bread, new machines and factories to clothes and improved small dwellings; and there will be other changes of a like sort. In view of this fact, it is inexact to speak of a change in the distribution of the dividend in favor of or adverse to, the poor. There is not a single definitely constituted heap of things coming into being each year and distributed now in one way, now in another. In fact, there is no such thing as the dividend from the point of view of both of two years, and therefore, there can be no such thing as a change in its distribution. This, however, is a point of words rather than of substance A. If the relative price is proportionate to the, control over the supply which is in favor of the poor. B. Products which are unaffordable are of no use, and therefore, more control over the supply needs to be exercised. C. Products which are unaffordable are of no use, and therefore, more control over the supply needs to be exercised so that the poor are profited. D. If the price of the items the poor use is too high, they cannot afford them and so there needs to be more control over the supply which is in favor of the poor. [单选题]在黄骥坳陷所钻遇的岩石中,多数为(),局部构造中可见不同类型的火成岩。
A.沉积岩 B.变质岩 C.花岗岩, D.片麻岩 [简答题]充血、瘀血的概念各是什么?各自的形态变化怎样?
[判断题]纪念币的主题涉及重大政治、历史题材的,要报经国务院批准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患儿,男,6个月。出现阵发性哭闹,进乳后即呕吐,2天前曾有果酱样便一次,中上腹明显肌紧张,可触及1.5~3.0cm压痛性肿物。诊断此病的特征性表现是()
A. 腹痛 B. 呕吐 C. 高热 D. 腹部包块 E. 腹膜刺激征 [单项选择]DFDR的记录容量为()
A. 100小时 B. 50小时 C. 25小时 D. 10小时 [单选题]21、丙酮的外观形状()。
A.A.无色或浅黄色透明液体,有类似氯仿的气味。 B.B.无色透明易流动液体,有芳香气味。 C.C.无色透明的易挥发液体,有刺激性气味。 D.D.无色透明液体,有芳香气味。 [单选题]有机磷农药中毒所致急性肺水肿,抢救首选( )。
A.速尿(呋塞米) B.西地兰(毛花苷丙) C.阿托品 D.吗啡 [单项选择]行×列表资料X2检验应注意
A. 资料必须成正态 B. 资料必须方差齐 C. 拒绝H0并不意味两两有差别 D. 总可以应用专用公式,与理论数T无关 E. 对于两组等级资料,比较两种处理方法有否差别可以应用X2检验 我来回答: 提交