Why does the Foundation concentrate its
support on basic rather than applied research Basic research is the very heart
of science, and its cumulative product is the capital of scientific progress, a
capital that must be constantly increased as the demands upon it rise. The goal
of basic research is understanding, for its own sake. Understanding of the
structure of the atom or the nerve ceil, the explosion of a spiral nebula or the
distribution of cosmic dust, the causes of earthquakes and droughts, or of man
as a behaving creature and of the social forces that are created whenever two or
more human beings come into contact with one another--the scope is staggering,
but the commitment to truth is the same. If the commitment were to a particular
result, conflicting evidence might be Overlooked or, with the best will in the
world, simply A. encourages basic research B. devotes more than 90% of its research and development funds to applied research C. spends far more on applied research than on military problems D. opposes the Foundation’s grants to basic research [单项选择]Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage
A. We should pity all such unhappy people. B. Such unhappy people are critical about everything. C. If such unhappy people recognize the bad effects of the habit on themselves, they may get rid of it. D. Such unhappy people are also not content with themselves. [单选题]我公司的3、4号堆高机自重是( )
A.38 B.48 C.58 [单选题]纵产式为 ( )
A.胎儿身体纵轴与母体身体纵轴平行 B.胎儿身体纵轴与母体身体纵轴垂直 C.最先进入骨盆入口的胎儿部分 D.胎头在孕妇官腔内的方向 E.胎儿先露部的指示点与母体骨盆的关系 [多选题]穿越农田或在车行道下时直埋电缆的埋设深度,由地面至电缆外护套顶部的距离满足要求的有(____)。
A.0.8 B.0.9 C.1 D.1.1 [多选题]政府对商品价格的调节措施包括( )。
A.零售价 B.建议价 C.支持价格 D.限制价格 [判断题]东风11型机车空心轴万向机构由空心轴、传动盘、连杆、橡胶球形关节等组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]缺省情况下,STP 计算的端口开销( Port Cost)和端口带宽有一定关系,即带宽越大,开销越?( )
A.一致 B.小 C.大 D.不一定 [单项选择]能初步鉴别致病性肠道杆菌与非致病性肠道杆菌的试验是( )
A. 葡萄糖发酵试验 B. VP试验 C. 乳糖发酵试验 D. 甲基红试验 E. 枸橼酸盐利用试验 [多选题]急流救援中的危险因素有( )。
A.水流突变 B.暗礁漩涡 C.救援舟艇操控失当 D.水势骤然落差 [填空题]乳腺皮下脂肪在CT影像上呈低密度,CT值为_______HU,呈_______状分布。
A.建立民主和谐的师生关系,重视学生自学能力培养 B.重视学生主体参与课堂,获得体验 C.尊重学生的个性差异,进行针对性教育 D.教育目标要反映社会发展 E.在成熟的基础上引导发展 [判断题]当降雨量达到出巡、限速、封锁警戒值时,车站值班员(列车调度员)以车机联控方式通知在途列车司机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]瓦斯检查“三对口”是指()、瓦斯检查记录牌板、当班汇报本三者所填写的检查内容、检查结果必须齐全、一致。
A.A瓦斯巡回图表 B.B瓦斯检查记录本 C.C瓦斯日报表 D.D瓦斯月报表 [多项选择]大学生走上工作岗位应该了解单位的哪些情况:()
A. 各个工作岗位的职责 B. 同行业的发展情况 C. 领导、同事的性格特点 D. 单位的物质环境与人际环境 E. 单位的主管行政部门情况 我来回答: 提交