While hackers with motives make
headlines, they represent less than 20% of all net- work security breaches. More
common are instances of authorized users accidentally winding up where they
should not be and inadvertently deleting or changing data. However, the Internet
introduces another concern: some Internet surfers are bound to go where they
have no business and, in so doing, threaten to wipe out data to which they
should not have access. Before picking a firewall, companies need to adopt security policies. A security policy states who or what is allowed to connect to whom or what. You can group all users by department or classification. The better firewall products let you drag and drop groups in a graphical user interface (GUI) environment to define network security easily. Two methods are most often used together to esta A. Hackers and Our Defense B. Internet Surfers’ Guide C. Firewall: A Measure of Network Security D. Information Technology [多项选择]以下属于行政处罚的有( )。
A. 治安拘留 B. 海关扣留 C. 吊销驾驶执照 D. 罚金 [单选题]事故发生单位主要负责人构成犯罪的,应()。
A.记大过 B.警告 C.留用察看 D.依法追究刑事责任 [单项选择]暂设工程的照明灯具宜采用拉线开关控制。拉线开关距地面高度为( ),与出、人口的水平距离为( )。
A. 1.3m,0.10~0.15m B. 2~3m,0.15~0.20m C. 1~2m,0.10~0.20m D. 3~4m,0.10~0.15m [单选题]处于放大状态下三极管的发射极电流是基极电流的(1+β)倍。
A.A B.B [简答题]钻时录井采集技术要求规定:录井时连续测量,录井间距为
( )m。
A. 法律不能修改 B. 法律不能废止 C. 法律不能替代 D. 规范性法律文件在失效或废止前继续有效,不难随意中断 [判断题]工作中严格执行劳动安全作业标准、规章制度,认真执行上标准岗、干标准活、说标准话、交标准班。(《中国铁路南昌局集团有限公司车务系统劳动安全作业标准》(Q/CR NCT Z013-2017)第1.6条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作地段有邻近、平行、交叉跨越及同杆塔线路,需要接触或接近停电线路的导线工作时,应装设接地线或使用( )。
A.个人保安线 B.合上接地刀闸 C.使用安全腰绳 D.使用防坠绳 [单项选择]促进钠和水排泄的激素是()
A. 雌激素 B. 孕激素 C. 雄激素 D. 促性腺激素 E. 促性腺激素释放激素 [单项选择]()授权事项及授权标准由总行统一在会计业务系统中进行授权参数维护,于启用前发布全行。
A. 系统 B. 一般会计 C. 特殊 D. 审批 [多选题]严禁在(空白凭证、空白报表、空白证明、空白账簿、空白公文纸)等材料预先加盖各类业务印章。
A.空白凭证 B.空白报表 C.空白证明 D.空白账簿 E..空白公文纸 我来回答: 提交