{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}} Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. |
Modern technology has developed in a
manner which often conflicts with the environment. Nevertheless, it is possible
and practical to achieve a high level of technology without altering the overall
natural environment. There are two basic methods of conserving (保护)the natural environment. One is alternative technology in which techniques (such as windmills and solar energy)must be found for providing power. The other is to try to minimize the effects of modem technology by the more efficient use of materials and more effective pollution control. (79){{U}}There comes a point when the quality of life can no longer be improved because of the high population density(密度)and the largely unsuccessful attempts to meet its demands.{{/U}} Present energy policies of the western world are considering new energy sources to meet the A. conservation technology is a necessity B. nuclear power is the energy source of the future C. problems of energy conservation are not worldwide D. all the industrial and domestic wastes can be reused and recycled [多选题]确定作业量较大中间站的原则有哪些?( )
A.配备驻站调机的中间站 B.日均调动辆数大于200辆的中间站 C.日均调车钩数大于30钩的中间站 D.日均调动辆数大于300辆的中间站 [判断题]王某因盗窃被判处有期徒刑1年,2月刑满释放。同年9月因盗窃被判处有期徒刑2年。对王某不得适用缓刑。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]允许速度大于120km/h的线路,轨距的变化率不得大于( )(不含规定的递减率)。
A.1‰ B.1.5‰ C.2‰ D.2.5‰ [单选题]离心泵的厂家设计参数是按哪种介质确定的
A.A.20℃清水 B.B.使用介质 C.C.80℃热水 D.D.药液 [单选题]破拆门窗玻璃时,必须站在门窗侧面,从玻璃()一角开始破拆。
A. 上方 B. 下方 C. 中间 D. 侧下方 [判断题]“禁止攀登,高压危险!”标示牌悬挂在高压配电装置构架的爬梯上,变压器、电抗器等设备的爬梯上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]利用组成石油的化合物具有不同( )的特性,加热蒸馏,将石油切割成若干部分,每一部分就是一个馏分。[1分]
A.熔点 B.凝固点 C.沸点 D.冰点 [多选题]遇到骨折固定时,处置方法不正确的是___。
A.可现场复位、冲洗、涂药 B.夹板长度超过单一关节 C.为了检查血液循环需暴露肢体末端 D.临时固定的作用只是制动,严禁当场整复 [多选题]根据业务差异,将低压客户业扩报装分类受理主要分为(____)。
A.低压居民客户新装 B. 低压居民客户增容 C. 低压非居民客户新装 D. 低压非居民客户增容 [多选题]公益性岗位政策具备( )属性
A.托底线 B.临时性 C.福利性 D.救急难 [填空题]锻造加热温度过高会产生()现象。
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